has any one

Shades said:
McIcy said:
Pomtry said:
The thing that i mostly regret from being drunk is screaming im god in a public area and running around all over the place :D

We've all done that

Thas just a typical friday night to me, nothing to regret there Pomtry 8)

Throw in a religious arguement and its definately a night out with my mates, for some reason when we get drunk we start discussing serious things that drunks shouldn't get involved in
Hyaku said:
So how much of your oesophagus did you cough up? :p
Do you seriously think I can remember something like that? I can't even remember who I was with at the time. :lol:

McIcy said:
Throw in a religious arguement and its definately a night out with my mates, for some reason when we get drunk we start discussing serious things that drunks shouldn't get involved in
I noticed that I do this a lot, too. Unfortunately, very few others are willing to talk about anything other than... well... ****, so I'm left either talking to old people, or myself. :B

Damn, my nights out stink.
Nah one of my mates is a devout christian so he is great to throw religious arguments at, luckily he takes it in jest and gives as good as he gets