Fox mauls children

It's just something that your told at a young age and isn't that noticeable outside of academics, for me, at least. Also, is bisexuality a "thing"? I know I hear the rumours of experimenting but does that **** actually go down?
Hmmmm, I think that if you are dyslexic, that you too have overcome it online too. I'd never have guessed you were from your typing either.

Will-O: AL is modded to hell. Far too many mods and far too little quality control in their selection. Seems to be based more on post count than intelligence, thus resulting in trolls like the member 'speedlolita' becoming mods. That guy makes Kirrimir look like an intelligent person by comparison.
Go back to my first posts. My typing was completely erratic. From reading a lot on here and reading subtitles I've come leaps and bounds. <3
I reckon the fox from the 'Foxy Bingo' ads sponsoring Jeremy Kyle is bisexual. Just looks like a fox that would give it both ways imo.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Not that I'm judging you guys, but is being Dyslexic the "thing" nowadays? Like in the same way being bisexual is the "thing" in college


Most of the mods on Animeleague seem to be Dyslexic I swear to God

Yes kinda like AID's was in the eighties.

breaking news though as the paper revels the children out of care, they both get a free plushy of Tails

I dunno if any of thats completely true but thats what it says on wikipedia

wikipedia says you get a better tan if you stick your head in the oven too
This thread has now been hijacked by Haruhism

Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Not that I'm judging you guys, but is being Dyslexic the "thing" nowadays? Like in the same way being bisexual is the "thing" in college
You obviously went to a more open minded college than those I attempted. Shooting rabbits, talking in an incomprehensible dales accent and shunning anyone who wasn't at least third generation local was probably the "thing" at my local college. I f*cking hate the countryside*

*Not strictly true. I like the countryside, I hate the people.
ayase said:
Shooting rabbits, talking in an incomprehensible dales accent and shunning anyone who wasn't at least third generation local was probably the "thing" at my local college.
Aside the rabbit shooting, that doesn't strike me as the most... collegiate of environments. At least such an ordeal is past you now.