First anime?


What was the very first anime you watched...or, if your memories are unclear, what was the first anime you remember watching?

I know I watched Pokemon and Digimon back in the day... I think I liked Digimon quite a lot. However, since my memories aren't clear about either show and since I was ignorant about anime back then, I don't class either as my first anime.

Star Ocean EX, the adaptation of the 1st disc of the PS1 classic Star Ocean 2, was the first anime I watched when clued up. Back then, I knew nothing about torrents and the like, so I most likely downloaded it from Kazaa in low quality. I wasn't very impressed it with it: It butchered the plot of the game and was simply very bad.

It's kinda odd how my first obession (RPG's) ended up getting me into the world of anime, isn't it? :D
I'm guessing, like many on this board, that my first tastes of anime came from Cartoon Network and the sci-fi channel. So obviously DBZ, Pokemon etc.

Obviously Tenchi was my first "big thing" and i'll watch that series once a year until i kick the bucket.
well i was 13 when i first saw my first proper anime series (up till that point the only anime i've experinces was a few clips of Akira and my brother showing me Legend of the Overfiend when i was 8) That series was Dragonball Z, if you ask me know i can't tell you why i watched it but i'm glad i did. From there it became a blur as i started watching Gundam Wing, then tenchi etc. Pretty standard introuction i supose....oh wait i forgot pokemon and digimon :oops:
Probably Akira or Vampire Hunter D on their first UK TV showings all those years ago. First thing I bought was probably the first Robotech video or Vampire Hunter D.
It was 1999 (I was 15) And It was 'Fist of the north star' the film version, rented from a local video shop who had it (and a collection of other old manga video anime)

Despite the teenager in me being appealed by the fact it was like, bloody as hell :p I didn't, and still don't rate it that highly, due to the practically non existant story and very overblown dialogue. However a day or two later I rented a second anime from the shop - Vampire Hunter D, and that is where I got hooked on Anime.

Sort of snowballed from there, helped at first by the 20 or so Anime videos at the shop (including one of my faves, Venus Wars, and stuff like Akira, 3x3 eyes, Odin, Lensman and such) then, in summer 2000, Sky brought the Sci Fi Channel and its showings (at first stuff like Honeasime, all manga video stuff, later including some series), as well as Fox kids and their line up. (Sailor Moon, Digimon, Escaflowne, Flint the Time detective) and the rest is history.

-Enter epic guitar solo here-




I think it was Akira or Project A-Ko back in the early 90s (91 or 92) that I watched first. For sure they were the first two I saw with the knowledge of them being anime, followed by Dominion Tank Police and Bubblegum Crisis. Before that I had seen lots of anime without realising it was anime (Vicky the Viking, Cities of Gold, Battle of the Planets, et al) and was always a fan of mecha with Transformers (even though Transformers originated in the US).
For me it was some of the anime they showed on Toonami eg Dragonball Z and Gundam and then there was Cardcaptors,pokemon and digimon when they were shown on Citv
I used to watch Pokemon, Dragonball Z/GT and One Piece on Toonami~ but the first anime i watched, knowing it was anime, was Naruto, but i didn't really search for more untill i saw Akira and Spirited Away. Then i also started watching Bleach, and that's when it really started to kick off.
Like most people, Pokemon or DBZ was my first but i never really knew they were anime.

First series i watched when i knew about anime was probably naruto. Although at first i didnt watch to many episodes then started on something else (then went back into it :p)
Probably have to re-think my answer as I had not thought of Battle Of The Planets (hacked Gatchaman) being anime, though thinking about it it is quite possibly the first anime shown on UK TV. I will have to see what else of that vintage may have come before.
DBZ and Pokemon, but I can't stand either now.

Tenchi Muyo was my first true anime; the one I thought "wow, there's something different about this". Tenchi almost made me want to be a part of the series (meh, I was about 9 or 10). I was still ignorant about anime even when Tenchi came into my life, but it probably sparked what is now my burning love for anime.
The first anime I've watched knowing it was anime was Akira, on the big screen when it was first released in the west (about one year after jp release)

I did seen some other different animes such as Kimba and Princess Knight, but I wasn't aware of what they were...
I was five years old when Battle of the Planets was on TV. I loved that show. And all through my childhood I loved Mysteriosu Cities of Gold, Ulysses 31, Dogtanian, without knowing or caring where they were made.

The first time I actually watched an anime, and knew it was an anime was when I was doing my A'Levels. It was Akira of course, and it was shown late night on BBC2. Then Channel 4 started their Late Licence strand, and shows like Legend Of The 4 Kings, Devilman, Cybercity Oedo 808 burned themselves onto my brain, and I never looked back. Anime on VHS. Now that's a thing. Then I took a break for around 10 years after the first boom turned bust.

My first anime on DVD was Dragonball Z from MVM, closely followed by Sailor Moon. But it wasn't until I saw Vampire Princess Miyu and Love Hina that I figured it might be worth waking up the old passion.
Pokémon was my first anime. Of course, I didn't know that is was an anime back then. Honestly, I loved Pokémon and it's what started my minor obsession with Japan and Japanese pop culture.