First anime?

Mine would be: The Guyver Original Series - episode 5.
Was round a mates house and he had put on this 'cartoon', which they would swear and bleed and stuff in.
Being 14 I thought that was awesome and that fact that it was 15 certificate on it got me interested also.
Then I saw Akira and I was like "huh?" then I saw 'Urotsukidoji' and I was "wa-hey!" lol
Good times ;)
I have vague memories of Voltron, Cities of Gold and Ulysses 31 being some of my favourite cartoons.
Yes, I did just use the forbidden word to describe them as thats all they were to me at the time.

The first anime I was drawn to because I knew what it was and where it came from was Fist of the North Star. I was about 12 and I was really just watching it because it was on late on channel 4 but I got a kick out of the violence and the gore.

The next late night anime I managed to see was one about an astronaut test pilot in a war torn country which has long abandoned the idea that man can go into space. I cant remember the name but it doesnt matter, I missed the first half.

So not exactly a glorious beginning but a beginning all the same
Tin Man said:
The next late night anime I managed to see was one about an astronaut test pilot in a war torn country which has long abandoned the idea that man can go into space. I cant remember the name but it doesnt matter, I missed the first half.

Sounds like Wings of Honneamise/Royal Space Force to me :)

Cyber City Oedo 808 on ch4 in the mid-1990s - shown very late at night.

EDIT: hence my avatar!
Wasnt there a similair thread like this a long time ago? oh well.
my first anime was 'Captain Tsubasa'.....legendary show. why hasnt that got a cheapo boxset release yet?! lol
hmmm then shortly after was i think Slam Dunk....then when i moved to the UK it was the usual Pokemon, Dragonball Z ......
then with the introduction of Broadband internet....thats another story lol.
"Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend" and "Demons Womb" were my first ever animes (not including Transformers who ROCK by the way.) That was my cousins idea of Babysitting when I was 8 years old. Of course that wasn't what got me onto anime like (cousin later watched better less willy bashing animes like Dominion and Bebop).

Oh oh....

Think I'm haveing another Episode!!!!.... PSYCHIATRIIIIIIIST...
Ninja Boy! said:
Wasnt there a similair thread like this a long time ago? oh well.
I think there has been a few threads in the past, but who can get bored about telling people about their first anime.... even ... if..... :cry:
Voddas said:
"Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend" and "Demons Womb" were my first ever animes (not including Transformers who ROCK by the way.) That was my cousins idea of Babysitting when I was 8 years old. Of course that wasn't what got me onto anime like (cousin later watched better less willy bashing animes like Dominion and Bebop).

Oh oh....

Think I'm haveing another Episode!!!!.... PSYCHIATRIIIIIIIST...

Heh we share the first anime watched :p (though it was my brother who put it on while looking after me (was 8 as well actually)
BlackWolf said:
Heh we share the first anime watched :p (though it was my brother who put it on while looking after me (was 8 as well actually)
Snap, kinda strange that family would think to expose their younger siblings to such things. Both at the age of 8 too :eek:
Gotta admit, I've seen much more gruesome material since then mind.
Yeah only reason i can think of is that my brother thought it couldn't of been so bad since it was a cartoon -_- and yeah i've seen worse things since actually one of the Tenjo Tenge manga's i read last night was worse :p
Voddas & Blackwolf said:
"Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend"

What a first anime! And that made you both want to watch more!? :eek:

The first anime that got me into it was Ghost In The Shell on TV a few years back, but the first I can remember watching was a television broadcast of Laputa: Castle In The Sky... I have no idea when that was. Must have been the late 80's / early 90's as I was still pretty young.
Technically the first was one of the Unico films...however given I was five I didn't know of Japanese/Western was just a cartoon about a unicorn :lol:

Then of course there was pokemon. I was deeply saddened when Ash turned to rock in the movie :oops:

However the first thing I watched knowing it was actually anime was spirited away. I've seen the fandom from both viewpoints. I once saw it as something overly nerdy (even for me) and something to avoid, but I thought I'd try it one boring summer day. The first anime series I ever completed was Excel Saga. I still love that show, and have all the DVDs, and 16 volumes of the manga.
Mantis said:
Cyber City Oedo 808 on ch4 in the mid-1990s - shown very late at night.

EDIT: hence my avatar!

Do you know if this series is out on DVD yet? Loved them!

And yeah I recall staying up to watch them :)

What 'normal' channels have shown anime (not including pokemon and the like)? I think is was just channel 4 and bbc 2 right.....?
I once saw Akira on bbc 2 after a short documentary on the success of Manga Video Entertainment... or something like that :?
Going to start think I predate the whole lot of you here.

The first anime i ever watched was a dubbed film of Space Battlecruiser Yamato (Called 'Space Cruiser'). I must've been around 5.
Apparently I nagged my mum to death to buy it after seeing in a shop, and then proceeded to watch it every day after coming home from school.
(The tape is barely watchable anymore as proof!)

Fast forward to early high school (I think) then i got into Digimon, which I still love, sad as you may think I am.
Again, dubbed as shown on CITV.

Then it was Cardcaptors (Yes, I admit my shame)
After finding out what the yanks had done to it I made it my mission to get all anime undubbed from then on.

To this day, I detest dub and will not even entertain the notion of viewing it! :x
Rui said:
Tin Man said:
The next late night anime I managed to see was one about an astronaut test pilot in a war torn country which has long abandoned the idea that man can go into space. I cant remember the name but it doesnt matter, I missed the first half.

Sounds like Wings of Honneamise/Royal Space Force to me :)


or an episode of planetes :D
ayase said:
Voddas & Blackwolf said:
"Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend"

What a first anime! And that made you both want to watch more!? :eek:

Curiosity i guess :p It did prove to me at the time that cartoons A) didn't all come from the same place and B) weren't just for my age group. Also as much as i would hate to admit it at the time, i did want to see more...

Of course i wouldn't see anyother anime till the days of pokemon and Dragon Ball Z on Cartoon Network and from there it kind of branched out
Rui said:
Tin Man said:
The next late night anime I managed to see was one about an astronaut test pilot in a war torn country which has long abandoned the idea that man can go into space. I cant remember the name but it doesnt matter, I missed the first half.

Sounds like Wings of Honneamise/Royal Space Force to me :)


Thats the one. I liked the style but the memory is a bit hazy. Might just look that one up
First anime is either Ribon no Kishi (Princess Knight) or Astroboy.

First epic anime experience was watching Akira on the silver screen when I was 11.

Good anime experiences include Ah my goddess, gunsmith cats, Saint Seya and DBZ.

Anime that made me realize I was becoming an otaku was Eva.