Final fantasy 13..on the xbox360

Spyro201 said:
CitizenGeek said:
(lack of many 'true' exclusives, outrageous failure rate with hardware, paying for online play, lack of Japanese games etc.)

Gears was popular enough, thats an exclusive, as was Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata.

Ive never had a problem with mine.

Paying for online? Its not really expensive.

Lack Of Japanese games?? Weeaboo??

Eternal Sonata was only a time locked exclusive, it's due out on the PS3 in the fall. Though applicable Exclusive would be Halo, the new Banjo Kazooie game.

Mine hasn't broken yet either >_>...<_< probably jinxed myself there

Thinking about it is Exclusive games really a good thing? I mean sure for the manufactures they sell consoles, I'm sure MGS 4 has helped shift a large number of PS3s the same as Halo 3 shiped a large number of 360s but are they really better then letting them be multiformat?
CitizenGeek said:
And it would never occur to you that maybe - just maybe - McIcy didn't like the Xbox360 for the many legitimate failings (lack of many 'true' exclusives, outrageous failure rate with hardware, paying for online play, lack of Japanese games etc.) it has and not out of some childish fanboy attitude?
Ah I see you're trying to take a leaf out of my book. Wow. :wink:

So what part of calling the 360 "evil" was not childish? I have given reasons before as to why I'm not getting a PS3, which obviously isn't fanboyism. McIcy did not do likewise for the 360. If he said he didn't like the 360, I would have left it well alone. However chucking in a grenade like that just reeks of fanboyism. There's a big difference between saying you don't like something, and saying something sucks.
CitizenGeek said:
Disliking the 360 is perfectly reasonable and does not indicate fanboyism - you'd do well to understand this concept, Maxon.
Oh I understand it well. He never gave reasons as to why he didn't like it. All he did was call it evil. That's no different to just saying that the PS3 is a piece of crap (which I don't think before you accuse me of fanboyism yet again).

It is you who doesn't understand the concept.

Oh, you may also want to note that I partially agree with your criticisms of the 360. Because I am objective, I understand it and you don't.
I think he said he doesn't like microsoft or something.
But anyway looks like most games are heading to the 360 and to be honest i can see why.
In this topic the 360 sucks and the PS3 rules, why? BECAUSE I SAID SO.
CitizenGeek said:
(lack of many 'true' exclusives, outrageous failure rate with hardware, paying for online play, lack of Japanese games etc.)
True exclusives? You mean because they got put on PC? Well, Microsoft gotta share the love for PC gamers, too dawg.
Outragous failure rate with hardware? True enough, however there's a three year guarantee on 360s when you buy one new, plus I've played mine none stop for HOURS on end and it's yet to break at all.
Paying for online? Oh yeah, let's all do what the cool companies are doing and allow online play for free, that way we won't be losing out on money.
Lol @ lack of Japanese games more like "Lack of ****** JRPGs and loli infested games." AM I WRONG BOY, AM I WRONG!?
Lupus Inu said:
True exclusives? You mean because they got put on PC? Well, Microsoft gotta share the love for PC gamers, too dawg.

Still means that 360 has significantly less "true" exclusives than the PS3. Halo 3 will be on PCs before long.

Lol @ lack of Japanese games more like "Lack of ****** JRPGs and loli infested games."

Yeah, because Japanese developers only ever make "******" JRPGs and loli games, right? :roll: Well, I suppose if you only play 360, you'd get that impression (Idolmaster, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey) ....

Spyro201 said:
Lack Of Japanese games?? Weeaboo??

Eh, no. A lot of people prefer Japanese games to Western games (I'm certainly one) and for such people, the 360 is obviously the inferior console this generation.

Maxon said:
Oh, you may also want to note that I partially agree with your criticisms of the 360. Because I am objective, I understand it and you don't.

What are you talking about?

Gacha said:
I think he said he doesn't like microsoft or something.
But anyway looks like most games are heading to the 360 and to be honest i can see why.

It doesn't take much insight to understand that putting a game on two consoles, rather than one, will raise sales and therefore will raise profits.
CitizenGeek said:
Gacha said:
I think he said he doesn't like microsoft or something.
But anyway looks like most games are heading to the 360 and to be honest i can see why.

It doesn't take much insight to understand that putting a game on two consoles, rather than one, will raise sales and therefore will raise profits.
yes and it's the 360 thats making the profits, if you saw the E3 you should see how hard the PS3 is struggling the 360 is the ps2 of this generation.
Gacha said:
yes and it's the 360 thats making the profits, if you saw the E3 you should see how hard the PS3 is struggling the 360 is the ps2 of this generation.

The 360 is absolutely not the PS2 of this generation. What would would make you think that? The PS3 is outselling the 360 in Europe and Japan; and the PS3 sold much more than the 360 last month.
I think the Wiis the PS2 of this generation.

Has any shop had a decent regular supply of them yet? Only problem with the Wii is the lack of "proper" games.

E3 hasn't comforted me with this problem either.

Ps3 also sold more last month due to MGS4's release.

But i think at the moment 360 is the dominant console but give it a year but blu-ray gets more common then you'll see the domination of PS3
The 360 is the PS2 of this generation, but still, it's an EXTREMELY poor comparison and only consoles this generation are ****** compared to PS2. The PS3 is the Xbox of this generation and the Wii is the Gamecube.
CitizenGeek said:
Maxon said:
Oh, you may also want to note that I partially agree with your criticisms of the 360. Because I am objective, I understand it and you don't.

What are you talking about?
I'm saying that my view of this generation's consoles (and the fanboyism associated with them) is objective, unlike yours since you seem to have an unnatural dislike for anything that isn't by Sony, and anyone who disagrees with you is just plain wrong.
Lupus Inu said:
Lol @ lack of Japanese games more like "Lack of ****** JRPGs and loli infested games." AM I WRONG BOY, AM I WRONG!?

...There's still Shin Megami Tensei IV on the PS3. Now if that comes out on the 360, then I'll back you up on that.

Personally... That's the best RPG exclusive imo on the PS3 as I'm a huge fanboy of the SMT series and nearly own all of them on PS2.
CitizenGeek said:
Eh, no. A lot of people prefer Japanese games to Western games (I'm certainly one) and for such people, the 360 is obviously the inferior console this generation.

Alot of weeaboo's. lol.

Just face, 360 is owning PS3's ass badly.
Spyro201 said:
CitizenGeek said:
Eh, no. A lot of people prefer Japanese games to Western games (I'm certainly one) and for such people, the 360 is obviously the inferior console this generation.

Alot of weeaboo's. lol.

Just face, 360 is owning PS3's ass badly.

And no matter what... PS3 owning 360 or 360 own PS3. The PC is still a very popular platform outside of Europe, America and Japan for gaming.
CitizenGeek said:
Halo 3 will be on PCs before long.
Waste of time anyway unless they actually include the coopertive mode on the PC version. They last two posts of Halo to the pc had it removed. That was the only reason I wanted to play Halo in the first place.
Chrono Mizaki said:
Spyro201 said:
CitizenGeek said:
Eh, no. A lot of people prefer Japanese games to Western games (I'm certainly one) and for such people, the 360 is obviously the inferior console this generation.

Alot of weeaboo's. lol.

Just face, 360 is owning PS3's ass badly.

And no matter what... PS3 owning 360 or 360 own PS3. The PC is still a very popular platform outside of Europe, America and Japan for gaming.

BUT PC gaming owns. So theres no real problem.
CitizenGeek said:
Gacha said:
yes and it's the 360 thats making the profits, if you saw the E3 you should see how hard the PS3 is struggling the 360 is the ps2 of this generation.

The 360 is absolutely not the PS2 of this generation. What would would make you think that? The PS3 is outselling the 360 in Europe and Japan; and the PS3 sold much more than the 360 last month.

i dunno where people are even getting this information from

Working in the multimedia department, i can tell you now for every 9 wii's there are 4 360's to 1 ps3

We've not needed a PS3 delivery for 10 weeks now, and we only had 30 in stock

PS3 is just a cheap blu ray player than can play games, not a expensive game console that can also play blu ray
Only "Weaboo's" (sic) play JP games? Well enjoy your high horse whilst we play games that we actually enjoy instead of attempting to conform to some kid on the internet's idea of what it's ok to like.

Liking different types of games to the population of an anime message board doesn't make you uncool. What would make you uncool is going, "oh no, Spyro thinks my taste in games is *wrong*, I'd better play only games he thinks are ok".

Whatever, I love JRPGs, I love fighters, I love puzzlers, I love quirky games like Katamari Damacy, DDR and Shadow of the Colossus, and I also love games like Starcraft, WoW and Portal. Console wars are pathetic. Having freedom of choice is a good thing, not something to pick on people about.

Dismissing JRPGs in a topic Xbox 360 militants are using to troll imaginary PS3 fanboys is also confusing in this case. If you don't care about JRPGs why would we care this rather major one is not exclusive anyway? Obviously you do, and want others to as well.

Xbox 360 might be the best console ever to you, but I'm not buying one until it has a game I want that my other platforms don't already have covered. Just one - I'm still waiting for that day.

See, different people have different tastes, and the Xbox still lacks a killer app for my demographic. Doesn't mean you enjoying it is wrong. Just goes to show that what PS3 is to you is what Xbox is to some other gamers.

Jesus Christ, I mention JRPGs in a negative connotation and everyone rages, I'm playing Final Fantasy:VII RIGHT as I type this [easy game is easy] it was a joke, stop crying.

Also, Spyro201 considered Devil May Cry 4 to be the best current gen game before MGS4 came out, I believe that says it all. [Sure DMC4 is an enjoyable game, but best... what?]

Plus, CitizenGeek started it all by posting an entire post of negativity towards the 360, which was basically ASKING to get flamed regardless of whether his post held true content to it or not, people just don't want to hear "Your console breaks down a lot, **** sux."
Yeah the whole thing really burst into flames when the "evil" pejorative came out in Microsoft's direction. I swear WWIII is going to break out over which console is better at the rate it causes forum wars on the internet these days...

I thought games are meant to involve fun, not stuffy politics and flamewars :(

Rui said:
"oh no, Spyro thinks my taste in games is *wrong*, I'd better play only games he thinks are ok".

That is EXACTLY how people should think :)

Lupus Inu said:
Also, Spyro201 considered Devil May Cry 4 to be the best current gen game before MGS4 came out, I believe that says it all. [Sure DMC4 is an enjoyable game, but best... what?]

It was damn enjoyable. I said it because I didnt feel it had any true bad points, unlike most the games ive played recently which generally had major let downs. Il admit though, after 2-3 play throughs, I stopped.

(I also said best game this year, not 'next gen', but that doesnt really matter. Btw, that wasnt a flame at you, Lupus).