Roadie said:
Looking down the list I don't know anything there besides Gundam 00 and I'm not a Gundam fan, but I'll be checking it out it incase its not all bad.
So with the likes of TTGL, Claymore, Lucky Star, Heroic Age and others all pretty much just ended, can this new wave really compete? :/
Are reviews out for EP1's of these shows yet? I don't fancy watching Ep1 of everything and as mentioned its stacked up on harem and I'm not a fan of that either -_- I understand I'm asking a little soon, but is there any shows that have been hyped up yet or recieved really good reviews?
Looks like I'll have to find some older stuff to watch, anit touched GITS yet...
Here are some micro-reviews of the ones I've watched so far
Gundam 00 1- Pilot's from Wing (hard and cold-blooded if slightly girly looking), Mecha a mix from from Turn A and X , philosophy from SEED (peace through superior fire-power), and seem to have borrowed plot from FMP (lad grown up in a war zone). Hasn't ingratiated or pissed me off enough yet to make any real comments yet but think i can see a little of what's to come. Will continue
Blue Drop 1 - Definitely wins the WTF? award for this seasons openers. While what happens is fairly straight forward for the most part, when, why and how are a little more vague. Definitely got me curious and wanting to know WTF is going on.
Kaiji 1- Hmm lead who's neither good nor evil, loan sharks and a card game that's definitely NOT going to be the next pokeyourmom or yugi go away. Art's a little weird, but will continue with it more to see where it goes.
Your Under Arrest Full Throttle - Guess i should have watched the original first, but fun enough with out the prior knowledge. May try digging out the OVA I have in the stack from DVD's to watch. Watcher but don't think it'll be a keeper.
Dragonaut 1- First of the new seasons crop that I've started watching and hmmm. They are playing their cards fairly close to their chest, but at the same time trying to foreshadow future events and characters. Problem is that I'm not quite sure what the show is supposed to be, and i don't know if they do either. Character designs would suit the comedy/harem side of things (with two characters with absurdly large chests, and another three with just large breasts, and a loli goth, and Space Butler), but the main character's hardships and the casual disrgard for the live of those with non speaking parts (extra are just like real people, they deserve love, respect and medical attention like everyone else Razz ). Oh yeah there are dragons and possibly aliens as well. It's not that these else elements cannot work together, its that its difficult. And if the sloppy battle animation is anything to go by they may not be able to pull it off.
As you can see start off watching alot and then whittle them down. Nothing has had the WOW factor in the 1st episode yet, but there seem to be enought thought provoking ones. Wonder if its like with the cinema block busters over the summer, more intellectual ones through the winter.