Editorial: Naruto and The Future of the UK Anime Industry

Xelis said:
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Couldn't you just restrain yourself? It's not that hard. Unless you have some form of tourettes.

Tourettes through a keyboard? lol.
Your keyboard doesn't have a 'Random Swear Word' button? Most keyboards these days are equipt with RSW keys.
... this topic has died since Conan-san clearly can't restrain himself over Jetix cutting Naruto a little more. Oh noez we're all going to die! Naruto has been cut, excuse me while I go cry myself to sleep or send flame e-mails to Jetix. Grow up, it's -only- one show, you have Full Metal Alchemist and Mezzo DSA they're uncut. Watch 'em, if you can't handle the Naruto dub, I watch it and it's entertaining, not that it's great or anything. =/

Edit directed to the post below: ... who found it funny?
Jeez, I was being humerous.

Ok ok, in light of that, lets see what could be put forth in a message that being Electronic and easily edited before I jam it in and profit.


Dear Sir/Madam,

As you would know, Naruto began airing on your channel (Jetix) last Saturday (22nd of July) and whilst I and my of the fans of this show are thrilled with the fact it's airing in the UK at all, there are some issues which have to be adressed.

Issue 1: It was mentioned during London Expo that the show would air at 6pm and have an Encore airing at 9pm, as it transpires (and inspite of Sky Digital EPG stating a 5pm airing) Naruto (Up to this point) only Airs at 8pm. This is concerning for sevearl reasions; One, no previous warning had been issued stating that Naruto would only air at 8pm, Two, the fact that Sky noted one thing and then for it not to happen suggests poor comunication between both Jetix and Sky and finaly three, we as a group of fans are worried that Naruto is not geting the air time required whilst shows such as Galatik (sic) Football and Repeats of compleated shows have seveal air times throuout the day.

Issue 2: Several fans of the show have noticed that the show has been edited from the US edit (In otherwords, the edit used for the Toonami strand in the US Cartoon Network) to downplay weapon-play, Violance, smoking (In the instance of an elderly man smoking) and comedic nuidity.
This has caused much concern for the fans who already know of the show's content as future episodes may receve heavyer editing which compremises the series' story and will leave those who are watching the show for the first time utterly confused.
In addion to this, a lot of fans have noticed that the edit work is of poor quality and compremises the show as a result.

Whilst having Naruto air on Jetix is a dream come true for fans, we are worried that if these two issues persit to cause issues that the show may become a failure in terms of ratings and critical aclaim and that is a result that nether us as fans or Jetix as a comany want.


??? (On Behalf of Anime UK News (Animeuknews.net)
Just one thing about the editing. It may annoy already existing fans of the series but for new viewers where this is probably the first time they've heard of the series it may not be a problem as they may add plot points into other scenes.
My one point about that letter, regardless of its content, I would definitely use a spell checker if you plan to be taken reasonably seriously. I don't mean to be nitpicky and don't usually point out spelling and grammar errors but if it's going to be anything approaching an official letter then the spelling should at least be accurate.

Short of that it sounds sufficiently annoyed whilst being reasonably polite.
Gawyn said:
My one point about that letter, regardless of its content, I would definitely use a spell checker if you plan to be taken reasonably seriously. I don't mean to be nitpicky and don't usually point out spelling and grammar errors but if it's going to be anything approaching an official letter then the spelling should at least be accurate.

Short of that it sounds sufficiently annoyed whilst being reasonably polite.
My roughs always have spellin' like that. but ok, Runin' it though the spell checker and then sending it off and we'll see what happens.

Edit: Ok, SC'd and Slightly Edited ok, last chance for objections before I post it off people so make it count!

Dear Sir/Madam,

As you would know, Naruto began airing on your channel (Jetix) last Saturday (22nd of July) and whilst I and my of the fans of this show are thrilled with the fact it's airing on the UK Television at all, there are some issues which have to be addressed.

Issue 1: It was mentioned during London Expo that the show would air at 6pm and have an Encore airing at 9pm, as it transpires (and in spite of Sky Digital EPG stating a 5pm airing) Naruto (Up to this point) only Airs at 8pm. This is concerning for several reasons; One, no previous warning had been issued stating that Naruto would only air at 8pm, Two, the fact that Sky noted one thing and then for it not to happen suggests poor communication between both Jetix and Sky and finally three, we as a group of fans are worried that Naruto is not getting the air time required whilst shows such as Galactic Football and repeats of completed shows (such as Spiderman and X-men) have several air times throughout the day.

Issue 2: Several fans of the show have noticed that the show has been edited from the original “for television editâ€
"??? (On Behalf of Anime UK News (Animeuknews.net)"

Although I agree with your concerns, I would rather you didn't sign it as Anime UK News- when the time comes, I'd rather speak for own my site.

"On behalf of a concern Naruto fan" is just as good :)
Paul said:
"??? (On Behalf of Anime UK News (Animeuknews.net)"

Although I agree with your concerns, I would rather you didn't sign it as Anime UK News- when the time comes, I'd rather speak for own my site.

"On behalf of a concern Naruto fan" is just as good :)
Noted, will report on findings anyway.
Yay for the protection of today's innocence. :p

Well, maybe not. I'm just angry that the openings will be different. No Haruka Kanata which probably made me watch Naruto, the only opening I never skipped.

Jetix probably cut it to air at 5pm according to the BFCC laws. Seriously, ranting and raving on an anime fan site will not change the TV laws. It's a kids channel, they cannot air anything perverted (i.e. Sexy-No-Jitsu ) or graphic battle scenes (i.e. Iruka-Sensei being in paled by a large shrunken). To be perfectly honest it's probably better for ratings, if I were a parent I wouldn't let my child watch Naruto unless it was edited as much as it is needed.

Oh, and Cartoon Network probably edited the US version so Jetix wouldn't be able to use that.
Chib said:
Yay for the protection of today's innocence. :p

Well, maybe not. I'm just angry that the openings will be different. No Haruka Kanata which probably made me watch Naruto, the only opening I never skipped.

Jetix probably cut it to air at 5pm according to the BFCC laws. Seriously, ranting and raving on an anime fan site will not change the TV laws. It's a kids channel, they cannot air anything perverted (i.e. Sexy-No-Jitsu ) or graphic battle scenes (i.e. Iruka-Sensei being in paled by a large shrunken). To be perfectly honest it's probably better for ratings, if I were a parent I wouldn't let my child watch Naruto unless it was edited as much as it is needed.

Oh, and Cartoon Network probably edited the US version so Jetix wouldn't be able to use that.
Thus begs the question why on earth did they not air it at 5pm and then use such an edit at that given time given how Big O seasion 2 aired at 7 without complicaion?

Secondly, the Toonami Edit is an "univesral" edit used by CN itself and YTV In canada that applied to Viz's own SnP as far as that's concerned and CN have toned down blood inspite of a half 9 airing. Viz provide a "edited" master and it's up to the respective companies to decide what to do with it.
And in Jetix's case, it's do Escaflownine alover again.

I've winged that e-mail btb.
It's not the first time Jetix has edited something just for their channel. Back when it was Fox Kids, they cut a lot more stuff out of Digimon, but when it was shown on CITV, the scenes were there. Same with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, although those cuts are weird. They cut some romantic development between April and Casey.

Anyway, I am glad that Naruto's on TV, and I'll probably be buying the boxset when it comes out. The edits are a bit annoying, they could've been more careful doing it. My sister, who's 7, noticed them.
I honestly kept thinking my TV was freezing in the middle of Naruto before I realised they were edits :shock: seriously, they could have done them a little better...
Damn if the UK anime industry rests on Naruto on Jetix..... its DOOMED, argh the voices noooooo only managed about 30 seconds before turning it off then feeling disappointed in myself for watching (I am a Naruto fan watched all episodes up to date, but the UK tv releases are such a let down)
Ryo Chan said:
why on earth is everyone so surprised that Jetix cut Naruto??

they're owned by Disney FFS :D

i'll tell ya damn well why!!!

1.Jetix never warned us at the expo! they assured us a nice clean same as american version!

2. the dvd they gave out at the expo was the american cut!

3.jetix not only didnt tell us, they didnt tell neo, manga.ent etc!!! that is unloyalty between affiliates!!!

thats damn well why!!! its a matter of what we were told, not what we were expecting!
kriffix said:
Ryo Chan said:
why on earth is everyone so surprised that Jetix cut Naruto??

they're owned by Disney FFS :D

i'll tell ya damn well why!!!

1.Jetix never warned us at the expo! they assured us a nice clean same as american version!

2. the dvd they gave out at the expo was the american cut!
They were probably unaware at that time that they would have problem with that cut
kriffix said:
3.jetix not only didnt tell us, they didnt tell neo, manga.ent etc!!! that is unloyalty between affiliates!!!
They are not affiliated with one another. They are completely unconnected companies and have no obligation to communicate with one another and anything Jetix does is in accordance with its own code of practice.

At the end of the day, Jetix made cuts that they deemed were necessary to show Naruto on British TV as a children's program. This will have been done to prevent any backlash from groups who have far greater weight when it comes to pushing for what a channel can and should show in any given context. In this case it is the parents, Ofcom and the authorities at large. They have a TV channel under licence and it would be foolhardy for them to lose that licence for the sake of a minority of (potential) viewers. It is certainly not the end of the world and does not preclude Naruto being a success or failure in the end. It may not be popular with existing fans but it is not who this particular airing is aiming at, which is where Manga's uncut box comes in :)