<p>"Today sees probably the most important event the UK anime community has seen for many, many years; Naruto is launching on Jetix at 8pm. The glorious success or shameful failure of Naruto on UK TV will shape the future of the UK community- success means more anime on TV, more DVDs, more magazines, more fans, more everything; the unthinkable prospect of Naruto's failure will mark the end of the so-called "glory days" and see the UK community slump back into a decadent, poor-to-mediocre existence; an industry that scratches its living off of the hardcore DVD buyers. If Naruto fails to bring in the viewers for Jetix, you can forget about seeing anime on a high profile TV channel for a long time." [<a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/viewarticle.php?showarticle=43">Read the full editorial</a>]</p>