E3 2010

Dead Space 2 - We get straight into gameplay and see Isaac in a battle to free himself from a new sizeable necromorph, then against kid like necromorphs(that'll go down well). Looks a lot more action packed compared to the first, but keeps that creepy feel to it which made the first one so good. We get our first look at the "Sprawl" which is Isaacs new nightmare for this game. Ending with a large necromorph roaring at him. They ended it on a cliffhanger which will be finished at Sonys Conference tomorrow.
Medal of Honor - Instead of a look into the campaign, we get a look straight at an 18 player multiplayer map. The multiplayer beta goes live on the 21st of June on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Then followed with a trailer for the multiplayer to end.

EA Gunclub - A new bit for people who like their FPS and such which allows players to get access to demos, multiplayer betas and such early.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam To be released this winter, we only got a quick teaser trailer for it.
EA Sports:MMA and Live Broadcast - Their next fighting game much like UFC that they have been working on for 2 years. You can create your own character based on what you look like and then that is where Live Broadcast comes in. You could get the chance to play against people around the world with real commentators and real audiences, and the release date i believe was in october, i missed some of it.

EA sports Active 2 - Available on Wii, 360 and PS3 from november 16th, another fitness game basically. So we get to have a look at the version for all three consoles. 360 on Kinect, Wii self explanatory and PS3, probably eye toy. All workout data is put online as well.

And a new Madden NFL game, again.
Crysis 2 - We get a glimpse at what could be a boss battle and as they said, one of the many ways you can approach playing it. They also announce that it'll be available on stereoscopic 3D on all three platforms(360, PS3 and PC) Winter 2010 release.

Bulletstorm - Feb 22nd 2011 release. Got a gameplay vid as well of one of the first levels. Uses a variety of different abilities to rank up points by killing in any and every way you can think off. Main character has the same VA as Marcus from Gears, but that was to be expected, it is EPIC games. Comes across as more fun and humour based than a regular fps.

Star Wars - The Old Republic- You get to own your own Spaceship this time round, and PVP takes place on Battlegrounds on varying planets some reimagining battles from the series itself. Also gave us a new trailer to look into.

Ended up with nothing Mass Effect or Dragon Age related, as expected.
Has there been anything on the Kinect games Rare are supposed to be working on?

They got pretty p'd off when Microsoft asked/forced them to stop making the games they were in the process of and do something for Kinect. A true physical Killer Instinct would be terrible.
There wasn't, no. They showed a very brief image of the 15 titles that will be available with the launch of Kinect, but i didn't see anything relating to Rare. I would imagine we may not hearing anything of it at E3
So, Rare leave Nintendo, hook up with Microsoft, spend eight something years making some games people would rather forget, and then start making a similar launch title to the console they now no longer work for?

Clearly this is odd.
Ubisoft Conference

Not sure how this is starting, looks to be with a kinect game, which looks better that the others so far. Child of Eden is what it's called. It actually looks like the first good game for Kinect. I'd recommend looking into it yourself, cause it isn't easy to describe what it's like.
Showing us the trailer for Assassins Creed: Brotherhood which i linked just before the xbox conference, and then they bring on new content which we have yet to see until now. They want to bring in new uses for the horse, to the point that you'd get horseback combat as you progress in the game. They are adding multiplayer to the game, which has been announced for a while, and no doubt videos for it will appear over the next few days.
Shaun White: Skateboarding - Looks like your regular skateboarding game, however you have the abililty to manipulate the area as you skate, which adds more to thr gameplay and such, seems more for visuals than anything else.

Er....they've created a Ubisoft Laserquest type game, which you play away from the screen/console. I think its called Ubisoft Connect. All you need is a PC for it to connect to and that's it. Can create your own style of games as well.
Innergy - Some type of game thing which helps you destress and relax through a variety of different methods, like breathing exercises and such

They brought out the fitness evolve game again to the ubisoft conference, so there hasn't been much else from them.
Driver: San Francisco - Officially announced now, has gone back to its roots, focusing on the driving and not the attempted GTAness. You can switch between cars just by using a specific ability and going into that car, you don't go into control of the character outside the car it seems.
They showed a teaser of something called Project Dust, but it doesn't show us much else outside of that.

Rayman: Origins - a teaser for a new Rayman game, which looks to be a prequel to the series.

The introduced something called mania planet, which is a new idea for people to create their own games/maps and such from the likes of trackmania, shootmania and questmania. The details for this all haven't been shown as yet.
stuart-says-yes said:
oh, Xbox slim look nice, I just really hope they don't follow through with a brand new system next year

It looks nice... but judging by IGN's unboxing it really doesn't seem all that much smaller =/ It's certainly not a PS2 to PS2 slim difference, or even PS3 to PS3 slim. Just judging by the disc tray you can see that really. I'll admit though, for those without at 360 it's a helluva good deal. 250 gb for the same price as the elite and smaller with wifi? Insane.
Nintendo Conference

Hah, first announcement is a new Zelda, we expected as much. Called The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Giving us a quick glimpse into some of the gameplay, then miyamoto appears, as usual. Going to be using Wii Motion Plus. The nunchuck will be used to raise the shield, and the motion plus will be the sword as you'd expect. Miyamoto appeares onto the stage out of nowhere, shocker. The idea is to imagine you are holding a sword and shield yourself. You can dash as well now. Everything seems focused on the Motion Plus, but Miyamoto is rather crap at it, no doubt about it. Introduced a couple of new weapons. A whip a bug which you can send to either scout or access other things. It looks very nice, and if we can get someone who can play it better than miyamoto, this'll be awesome. And it'll be released next year.
For some reason the commentors on Gametrailers are blaming Zeldas errors on bugs, rather than interferance/Crappy player.. Good to see a new Golden Sun though.
New Mario games, all based on sports, funnily enough. Mario Sports Mix A range of Hockey, Volleyball, and some other game varieties. 2011 release.

Wii Party - Uses the Miis for games like what you'd expect from mario party, and other mini game type games. Reggie is pushing the idea of social gaming more as expected.

Just Dance 2 - sequel to that dancing game released not that long ago, feels like where the xbox game for Kinect got the idea from funnily enough.

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn - New trailer for the game that was announced last year at E3. To be released this winter.

Goldeneye - November sees the release of a new goldeneye game, looks to be a remake using Daniel Craig as the character instead. Online multiplayer. Big cheer for that.
Disney: Epic Mickey - Looks to be an adventure/RPG game where they say "playstyle matters". Paint and thinner are used to recolour everything or remove things from the worlds, and how you interact with characters will change how their storylines end. So i would imagine, many ways to finish the game.

Kirby's Epic Yarn - First Kirby game on a mainstream console in 7 years. Looks to be pretty nice, where the world is pretty much a world made of fabric. You can transform into things like a car and a UFO as well. Release is set for this Fall.

Dragon Quest IX - 120 mini quests, several hundred other quests, infinitely many treasure maps and up to 3 players playing online together. some say 140 hours is only just getting started for the game. Released in the US on the 11th of July.

Metroid Other M - August 31st release, new gameplay trailer featured at the conference. new look on the game shows more than just first person and traditional side scroller, shows what looked like a brief bit of third person.

Donkey Kong Country Returns - Now you may think oh no, new donkey kong game, but it's back to the old SNES and gameboy games. Sidescroller as it used to be. Looks as it should have been every other game.