Does Anyone Like Korean Anime?


Brigade Leader
Does anyone watch Korean Anime? If so, is there any decent old titles that anyone can recommend me please? I've only seen two so far which are Red Hawk and Harmageddon. Red Hawk I really enjoyed whilst Harmageddon was average.

Many Thanks. :)
Never watched Sky Blue, so can't say if there were any changes made to the story, but I found the original Korean version, called"Wonderful Days", to be stunning to look at and with a mesmerising score, so much so that I bought the OST and listen to it regularly.

DVDcompare states that the version I have is an extended cut with nearly 9 minutes of extra scenes.

The Limited Edition set is a beast! link
Don't know about old stuff but here's some relatively new stuff

I haven't seen it but Yobi: The Five Tailed Fox is a Korean movie and looks really good from what I've seen of the trailer

Aachi and Ssipak is a movie that's really weird but enjoyable,
they use human excrement as fuel what's not to like

Don't really know of any series
Jayme said:
Is it not called Manhwa to us? And, no, never seen it - unless The Simpsons counts.

Manwha is Korean comics. Korean animation is Han-guk Manhwa Aenimeisyeon.

From the list on Wikipedia, I have only seen Hammerboy and Sky Blue. I also own Phantom Master: Dark Hero from Ruined Empire on dvd (yet to watch it though) which ANN lists as a Korean/Japanese film.

Of the two that I have watched I would say that they are good but not great - the visuals in Sky Blue are very good.
Wikipedia - Manhwa said:
Manhwa (Korean pronunciation: [manɦwa]) is the general Korean term for comics and print cartoons (common usage also includes animated cartoons)

You go ahead and call it Han-guk Manhwa Aenimeisyeon if you want. I'll stick with the middle word there.
We all watch a chunky amount of Korean animation, because a large amount of anime done on the cheap have Koreans handle episodes to cut back on costs. (Look out for the end credit names.)
Kirrimir said:
I've only seen one Korean anime and it was a movie, sky blue it was called if i recall correctly, it was boring and pretty much sucked.

I hate that movie with a vengeance. I'm unhappy that it gets described as anime. Truthfully.
PartiallyMetalAlchemist said:
Don't know about old stuff but here's some relatively new stuff

I haven't seen it but Yobi: The Five Tailed Fox is a Korean movie and looks really good from what I've seen of the trailer

Aachi and Ssipak is a movie that's really weird but enjoyable,
they use human excrement as fuel what's not to like

Don't really know of any series

Got to agree with PMA, Yobi is a pretty heart-warming korean anime film. I think there was a dvd released in japan with english subtitles but i'm not sure of the availabilty of it now. Definatly worth a purchase if it ever gets picked up here though.

yethboth said:
Does anyone watch Korean Anime? If so, is there any decent old titles that anyone can recommend me please? I've only seen two so far which are Red Hawk and Harmageddon. Red Hawk I really enjoyed whilst Harmageddon was average.

Many Thanks. :)

Apologies, it is Armageddon and not Harmageddon (which is a Japanese Anime) that I saw. :roll:
The Z-squad was a Korean take on the magical girl genre, I would say it is a blatant rip-off of Tokyo Mew Mew or Sailor Moon.
ayase said:
I think it's a valid observation. She actually has East Asian shaped eyes, as opposed to many anime characters. Case in point:

All of Hinoue Itaru's characters, like Shiori there, have eyes that slant downwards on the outside edge. They do have Japanese eyes, however large and inapropriately coloured. Bad example.

Eyes shape and colour is largely character dependant, like hair colour is.
You know they're all Japanese no need to extenuate the feature. Instead you extenuate to show personality traits, or mood. Make the look sleepy, angry etc., they are bloody cartoon characters after all.
Reaper gI said:
ayase said:
I think it's a valid observation. She actually has East Asian shaped eyes, as opposed to many anime characters. Case in point:

All of Hinoue Itaru's characters, like Shiori there, have eyes that slant downwards on the outside edge. They do have Japanese eyes, however large and inapropriately coloured. Bad example.

Eyes shape and colour is largely character dependant, like hair colour is.
You know they're all Japanese no need to extenuate the feature. Instead you extenuate to show personality traits, or mood. Make the look sleepy, angry etc., they are bloody cartoon characters after all.

Hmm well I wouldn't say it was a bad example, as when comparing that Korean cartoon character to her, the Korean character's eyes actually do resemble the oriental eye shape a great deal more(though still extremely unrealistic).

That shiori character's eyes don't really resemble the typical Japanese eye shape very much to be honest. Even if they were drawn to slant downwards slightly, the eyes look no more Japanese than they do western.

It's still quite rare I think to find a anime that represents the majority of their japanese characters(especially the protagonist)realistically