Do you support gay marriage?

Do you support gay marriage?

  • Yes, I think gay relationships should be equal to heterosexual relationships.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I support civil unions, instead of marriage for gay couples.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I do not support gay marriage.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
CitizenGeek said:
Ryukai said:
They don't have the right to marriage, that's a religious thing. They have the right to a Civil Union though, so they can get the same rights a married couple. Just don't think it should be labelled a "marriage".

Marriage is not a religious thing, it pre-dates religion and the state is involved in handing out marriage licenses. If it was purely a religious thing, then it wouldn't matter; the point is, it's not a religious thing and therefore calling it anything less is discriminatory.

Oh that's right, if it was purely religious it wouldn't matter. So why do you feel like this:

CitizenGeek said:
I think it's unfair that churches are allowed to get away with banning their clergy from carrying out same sex marriages. If a priest or vicar refused to perform an interracial marriage, or an all-black marriage, and cited some obscure 2000-year old verse would that be allowed? I don't think so. But yet it's a-okay to deny gay couples the right to get married in a church and everyone agrees that's how it should be. It doesn't strike me as being particularly fair or consistent.

Getting married in a church is a purely religious thing. Why should it matter if they don't want to go against their religion?
Ryukai said:
Oh that's right, if it was purely religious it wouldn't matter. So why do you feel like this:

Use of the word "marriage" and getting married in a church are two separate things.

Getting married in a church is a purely religious thing. Why should it matter if they don't want to go against their religion?

I've already explained why it matters.
CitizenGeek said:
Ryukai said:
Oh that's right, if it was purely religious it wouldn't matter. So why do you feel like this:

Use of the word "marriage" and getting married in a church are two separate things.

Getting married in a church is a purely religious thing. Why should it matter if they don't want to go against their religion?

I've already explained why it matters.

Okay, I've really never had this debate with a gay person so I just wanted to see what the arguments for and against it were. Just to be clear I think gay people should be allowed to get married/adopt kids etc, I just like debating stuff.
Ryukai said:
They don't have the right to marriage, that's a religious thing. They have the right to a Civil Union though, so they can get the same rights a married couple. Just don't think it should be labelled a "marriage".

Marriage isn't a religious thing. Straight atheists have civil marriages (I'm having one myself this year, nobody involved has called it anything but a marriage including the legal registrar and it comes with all the trimmings of a traditional marriage except a god isn't invited and we don't pay a church). I think the problem is the confusion they've caused by having religious marriages, non-religious marriages, and homosexual civil unions. I wish they'd just call them religious or non-religious marriages and stop using complicated terms to annoy the religious and homosexual parties alike who both feel their versions are being undermined. So long as all parties have the same legal and social rights I'm happy. If they don't, it's annoying.

The problem is when the legal registrars (not actual priests) refuse to marry homosexuals in civil unions because the registrar has a problem with non-religious ceremonies between two homosexuals. That's an abuse of their legal duty in my opinion. In my case the registrar we are using officiates at both religious and non-religious weddings in their county and if I'd gone to them and been told they didn't feel like doing ours as it wasn't religious, we'd be stuck getting anyone else to do it unless we went to another county for the service and hoped they had more honour.


I'm kinda glad that happened.

Before hiring trained monkeys to kill me, let me explain: If religious people can't carry on a registrars job, it wouldn't be discrimination not to hire them on basis of ineptitude.
Can't do a thing about the existing ones as they changed their systems. They should, though, allow those who were on the job to move to something else they can do though.

That's my 2 p's...
Lillian Ladele is obviously a brain-dead biogt, so it's unfortunate that the court ruled in her favour. It's a shame that discriminating against gay people is allowed and accepted for religion, but it's a travesty that it's now acceptable outside of church, too. Like Rui said, it's an abuse of her legal duty.

It's just a pity there's no such thing as hell for her to burn in >:/
CitizenGeek said:
It's just a pity there's no such thing as hell for her to burn in >:/
Well, she believes there is. Like I said, something like that turns the table on religious people. Because they will have to start asking people "can you cary same sex marriages?" - if the answer is no, the person is not fit for the job, like I said...
Why the hell not permit gay marriage, they're people just like us. And hell, if they weren't allowed when all political correctness and all these ethical issues going on, there'd be hell on.
Well, as a religious type....I don't really mind.

Marriage is all about two people who really love each other committing themselves to it for life. Rather two guys marry and live their lives than the next celebrity sham that lasts 40 minutes when the new hubby steps on the handbag dog.

Yes, I am one of the "God loves us all" types, so sue me.
I support it! Can't see what reason besides maybe religiouse beliefs that people wouldn't support it. I actually now a married Gay couple. Their cool and their as happy as Larry like. Like MrChom said, if two people love each other regardless of sex, religion, ethnic background then I don't see what the problem is. Let them get on with it like the rest of us.
I sort of wonder when I read pieces like the one quoted by Chaos why the human right to follow a religion seems to trump the human right to be treated fairly and equally.
Dracos said:
I sort of wonder when I read pieces like the one quoted by Chaos why the human right to follow a religion seems to trump the human right to be treated fairly and equally.
Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against religion itself and on those quotes, I was actually making a generalization for the extremists.
Half of my early education were on a catholic school, the other half in a adventist school. The stuff I've been exposed to is unbelievable. It reaches the point that they actually have different versions of the bible and would accuse things like kids records of being evil...
Kinda depends what sort of marriage... as Rui said, there's religious and non-religious.

Non religious gay marriage, sure. But church marriage... I have to wonder why gays would even want to. I'm sure there are religious gays but I really have to wonder why when the religion you believe in actually considers you a sinner (I don't believe that, just so you know. I'm not at all religious).

It's a bit like asking a mosque to do you a bar mitzvah.

MrChom said:
Yes, I am one of the "God loves us all" types, so sue me.

I might have to. If god loved me I'd have a girlfriend. :wink:
chaos said:
ayase said:
MrChom said:
Yes, I am one of the "God loves us all" types, so sue me.

I might have to. If god loved me I'd have a girlfriend. :wink:
I second that, but wait a second... isn't that a line from an anime?

If not it should be. Hey, let's make our own anime about a bunch of girlfriend-less otakus who... wait, it's called Genshiken.
ayase said:
chaos said:
ayase said:
MrChom said:
Yes, I am one of the "God loves us all" types, so sue me.

I might have to. If god loved me I'd have a girlfriend. :wink:
I second that, but wait a second... isn't that a line from an anime?

If not it should be. Hey, let's make our own anime about a bunch of girlfriend-less otakus who... wait, it's called Genshiken.
dammit, they beat us to that.... =P