I think that's they key problem in the trailer. They made such a big deal about who made it that they gave the trolls more than enough bait :'). Honestly like you I could care less who made it, but it just irks me that they decided to politicize (is this even a word?) this show. I mean look at this thread we aren't talking about the show anymore, but about politics. It's a real shame too because the trailer could have left a good first impression on a lot of people that are now criticizing it, including me.
Yeah, I'm seeing this kind of stuff everywhere though to be honest. Even as someone who identifies as a feminist, it does get tiresome when almost every news article is trying to force that particular political agenda down our throats. It often gets to the point where it's not even relevant to the article.
"Rail staff go on strike- again. By the way, a woman was there, so that makes it a diverse strike now."
I think that's part of the reason now
why many people are quick to jump to political conclusions about things such as this show - the fact that the political movements involving diversity and inclusion are pretty much everywhere we look now, and it gets to a point where we automatically assume that there's some related political agenda attached to something, instead of just taking it at face value! We're so afraid of offending certain people so for the sake of not wanting to cause upset, we're sort of going, "See? We included you, all better now!" I mean, you only have to look as far as the upset caused by Scarlett Johansson playing a transgender character, or Jack Whitehall playing a gay character. People are kicking up a stink becasue they want
actual transgender/gay actors to play these parts, when surely, is it not about the acting? If the actor is doing a good job at
portraying a transgender or gay character, can that not be identified with and appreciated in the same way? I get that I'm speaking as a straight white female, so I can't see it from the other side of the fence in that regard, and I'm mindful of getting a bit too deep in political hell here since it's
really not my forte, but, these are just my opinions for what they're worth. I'm certainly not seeking to belittle or dismiss any perspectives that people of different genders/identities here may have.
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