Count to a Million


Woop!!! The nipple clamps have been released and I'm now uptodate with my case work! It's been all over the spot since Monday. Now I can finally relax... well untill another one turns up like.

*slumps in chair*


well i just stretched then manually re-alligned my spine and released all the tension.

turned up Faint remix and now ready to rock.
man i love Faint :D

well only 30 more minutes till i can get outta here...

30 minutes too long if you ask me Tach. ¬_¬

I have the house to myself tonight so looks like I'm playing Call of Duty: World at War ! Nice!

I saw you leave but thought nothing of it. :lol:

Catch you on tomorrow Black!

25 mins and counting. What's everyone on with tonight then?
12476 walking home so should get in 5.45 and straight up stairs, say hi to the family as i go, pick up all the clothes littering my room. throw them in my mums room (washing basket) and change the bedsheets. tidy round and vaccume.
then go downstairs and tidy an vac the living room and dining room and conservatory. clean the kitchen and then retreat to my room...laura should of gone back home from the cinema and be online. well talk and joke and sort out tomorrow abit more.

then i'll have a stella or two whilst playing ps3 and chilling really.

you guys?

Well like I said, I'll go home, Pick up Sarah. Go to ASDA and get some tea for me in (she's going out). Head home, do the pots and wash and iron some clothes. Stick the oven on. Have tea ready for when Sarah heads out (7.30). Then I'm on the "COD:WAW" for the rest of the night.
Well... depending on when Sarah gets back in, we mite watch some house or heroes over a red wine (bud in my case).
Then she'll head to bed and I'll watch anime till I feel sleepy then crash myself.

I'll spend the evening with two browser tabs open, one with a PS3 and one with all the DVDs I want in a basket, clicking between the two and deliberating before I finally collapse in tears on the keyboard.

A PS3?
Or a freaking ton of Anime DVDs?

Could you decide? :p