Count to a Million


Hey Black :p

I think different styles of warfare are better suited to different types of games. I'm really looking forward to Empire: Total War as (I think) it's the first time the American Revolution / Napoleonic Wars era has been given RTS treatment.

Just skimmed over today's posts - What's your driver problem Voddas? Nothing to do with that codec pack I reccomended I hope...
Haven't played any old style war RTS games since Age of Empires III. That was cool like. There was a cheat where you could have random drive by shootings. lol

Only cheated after I completed it like :oops:

Talking of guns vs reload time vs precision....snipers rifles are my strongest point. i hate the rifles which you can shoot one bullet then reload...clips are definately IN and it doesn't matter how many targets and how many bullets they can fire compared to you in a minute....a rifle if used properly is a one mist. prefer to be out of the way too. guillie suits are king when your playing against others....your hoping that their brightness and contrast is set in your favour and they walk straight past many a online match i've played dead and when they ran past me blissfully unaware, they walked to their demise.

im back from lunch with a pasta an tuna an sweetcorn salad thing....rather healthy for me lol
also bought naruto S3 boxset and smash bro's brawl :p

"a game where you main gun could only hold one type of bullet and took about 3 minutes to reload would be very popular "

Ah so you too have played brothers in arms road to hill 31?
that was rediculous to play...i titled it the cork it looked like one....and fitting the cork back in takes about 3-5mins before you ould fire again....and it wasen't even on target.

Huh. I always thought Cossacks was turn based for some reason. :?

Oh and by the way guys, scratch what I said the other day about MagiPoka not being perverse. Episode 10 was probably the most perverse example of anime I've ever seen that wasn't hentai. :lol:

Afternoon Tach.
11613 The age series always had fun cheats, the first game had the best ones though, Photon Man and e=mc2trooper :) these would create space aged uints armed with either a laser rifle or (wait for it) a portable nuke launcher :lol:

@Ayase lol nope Cossascks is an RTS where you can have over 4000 units on your side (in a two player game)

What happened in this ep? GGG FINAL shocked me by throwing a perverse and uexepcted incident at me
WoW! Tachi with the heavy duty post :p Hi mate.

Stop talking about that type of stuff ayase! You know how I get *starts sweating*

Come to think of it, I haven't seen Fox today.... wait, yes I did, this morning. Wonder where he's off?

I liked Age of Empires a lot until I played Rome & Medieval Total War for the first time. To my mind they just blew AoE out of the water.
11617 AoE filled my sense of creativity with its scenario tools (at the beginning i was trying make good ones but then i just devloved to see how much i could own the computer) :p

Also Ayase i draw your attention to my last post which i edited

*cries with clenched fist* where are you lost hero fox???

*epic moment over*

yeah that was a heavy duty post :p
im mean to be goin round my mates house tonight....but she wasn't online lastnight so dunno what time :S helpfull :roll:

gives me all night to watch naruto and play brawl :p they should hold me over till LBP!!!!!!!!!! next friday!!!!!!! i would say "don't expect me to be in" but alas i sent the game to my office address *facepalms* there's still time....i could take the day off AND have it delivered to my house muhahaha bliss ^_________^

Well, sorry if it get's you hot under the collar Voddas but Black wants to know what happened. ;)

The girls go to an Onsen, which they find has three very well endowed women in it. Cue sexy stipping sequence. Liru (The wolf girl) is so impressed by one woman's assets that she uh... spends rather a lot of time playing with them. Uncensored. Yep. The women tell the girls that the Onsen will help them uh... develop. And I won't spoil the end but it was so very wrong and at the same time so hilarious.
11621 :lol: lol reminds me of the sorcessor(spelling?) hunter OVAs and of the Cosplay Complex OVA which i watched when i was very bored last year

Ah well what age group is that series aimed at Ayase? as GGG FINAL had a rape scene in it (thankfully not shown but still :eek: )

Renkin San-kyu Magical Pokan or MagiPoka for short. It's normally cute comedy & ecchi but that ep was just :eek:

TBH Black, I don't know. :lol: It's such a strange mix. There was a brilliant Mech paradoy too, it seems to veer wildly between Excel Saga style insane parody (which makes me think adult males) and Cutesyness (which makes me think young teenage girls).

you two watch the weirdest things....but then again i wouldn't be suprised if you two and Voddas know what midnight nurse is lol

i'll stick with my naruto eps thanks :p

How does a war topic jump to hentai and ecchi??? i'll never know :roll:

*yaaaawn* atleast todays mello...i like that :)

..... heu.. waaaa *focuses*

Sorry, I kinda of went blind deaf and dumb for a second there. *looks at Ayase and shakes fist*

Wait... did someone say Night Nurse? ....................................