Lunch was nice but I gotta stop eating having a Twix fix. I don't really need one but they're so tasty. *sits back in chair and rubs tummy*
@Tachi: Can't wait for COD5. Even tho I loved the modern warfare of 4 I'll be glad to get back into the WWII rifles and such. Makes the game more interesting than running around with a P90 that can squeeaze off 85 rounds in one sitting.
I wouldn't say they've been done to death. (That's like saying there are too many flight sims/DOOM games/MGS) They're just getting better. Improving on AI, Graphics, movement etc. Plus I love multiplayer FPSs so I'm obviously going to be biast.
11596 but how about a wild west FPS? I mean hasn't every asepct of the second world war been covered now? The battlefield series took things in the right direction, started WW2 then moved on to vietnam, then onto modern warfare with Battlefield II and the onto the future with Battlefield 2175
There has been Wild West FPS (GUN eg). But they've obviously not been popular enough for more releases. WW games have been very popular and still are. The only concept that remains the same is that your fighting against Nazi. BattleField are awesome games but I must admit I prefered the older games to 2142.
I just find WWII games to be 11,598 forms of dull, as they are all about getting through bits of France or Germany and shooting some Nazis. How much different can each be? =/
The Single Person maybe but I'm refering to the Multiplay. (Even if COD4 single player was awesome) I'm in it to kill people all over the world.
Like I said, a single fire rifle is alot more challenging than a heavy Machine gun. Makes the game more interesting. Plus you need more skill than the spray and pray approach.
"Ze vorld var two gamez keep ze reich alive in ze mindz ov ze gamerz... and zo ze dream ov our sousand year video game domination iz achieved! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha!"
11602 I guess but there is many other wars out there that people can draw inspiration from to make these games, of course there's only so far back in history you can go to make these kind of games as i don't think a game where you main gun could only hold one type of bullet and took about 3 minutes to reload would be very popular :lol:
Though an idea for a multiplayer medival game could be good if you managed to get everything working as it would defeintly be more close combat orienated with bows and arrows providing the long range...or you could just make a really large game of dynasty warriors :lol:
but at the end i guess different strokes for differernt folks and all that jazz
I suppose we could agree to disagree like. That one type of bullet and slow reload time sounds like a good game like. Lots of hiding and ducking would be involved. Heh. Problem with a mulitiplayer knights game is it would be too reliant on the AI for swinging a sword and such. Point and shoot is always going to come top.
Besides if you used Wii controlers I guess Still waiting for a good Light Saber Wii game.
It's probably a tactics thing. In modern wars you can play an individual soldier who plays quite an important part (like the SAS in Hidden & Dangerous, my favourite WW2 game) but if you were a medieval soldier it would mostly be marching in formation. :lol:
11606 two word: Motion Plus :wink: Its an add on for the Wii and its out next year, bundled with the Wii Sports Resort game, and whats one of the games in that set? Kendo fight which means that after that there is no excuse for a proper sword fight game
also the medival style game will gain fans from those who want something over then an FPS, after all dynasty warriors does have its fans and that's mainly hack and slash which i find more fun then shooting most times, though i always go for the option of having both, sword for close combat guns for longer range...Great now i just want to play Devil May Cry again
I heard about Lighsaber Duals. So that's the Wii game covered, now they just need to make it good. That new Wii Sports does look cool like, with the Kendo sword fighting. Now my true hidden sword skills can shine lol.
I prefer swords to guns sometimes too. All depends on the game. The sword fighting on Assasins Creed was most enjoyable. MMM... assasination...
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