Count to a Million

10527 it's definatly a girl :p She's the main female character of the stories, normally she has a sword but for some reason i gave her a hammer...not sure why but it works :p she can use it to keep the main character in check :lol: she actually came out quite well in the change to chibi style
See ya Tachi!!

Yeah, it looks cool mate. I think smaller character look powerfull wit h big weapons. Like a girl with a huge hammer for example. You kind see it a lot but it does work.

What are your villains gonna be like? Monsters? Mutants? Ninjas?
10530 c'ya soon Tach

though i feel sorry for that plant...its last thoughts were "oh no not again" people have said that if we could understand what the plant thought that we would be closer to understanding the deep mysteries of the universe

@Voddas the enemies are demons :p i've already completed the first two stories of the four planned (working on third now) if my drawing skill was as good as some of the members here i would of done the story as a manga instead and had little backup strips featuring the cast as chibi's for now though these may make their way onto seasonal offereings...

Sounds good Black. Wish I could write stories with a beginning and an end. I've tried before and got totally carried away with myself. I have actually got a 25 page comic at home that I did when I was 13.

It's damned good for my age at the time. It's a Sonic comic too (classic). Shame I didn't do the scene boxes too well.... hey I was 13 :p
10532 cool sonic is always good :p i'm got stuck into the habit of listening to some of the songs from the later games now :lol: as a matter of fact Tach is reading through my first story now...

Funny fact was that me and my friend did want to do our own sonic comic (my stories would of featured my favourite sonic villains the brotherhood of Metalix aka the Metal-Sonics!)

The old Sonic comix were cool. I collected them for quite a bit. I've also completed nearly every sonic game ever made!! FACT! I miss him... I keep having Sega Mega Drive urges and downloading emulaters off the net.
Problem is you just get bored after a while and delete it again to make space. Not that it takes long to get of course :p

Sorry for gaps in replies Black. Work was appearring ¬_¬
10534 every sonic game eh? ...Including *drum roll* Sonic CD? :p The first appearance of Metal Sonic as he is known today (who also starred in the Sonic the Hedgehog anime OVAs)

i just play the games on the console compliations that are out Sonic Mega Collection and Sonic Gems Collection between the two there is every sonic game that graced all sega consoles up to the dreamcast. Yeah i was a sonic nut back in the day as well, i would choose the blue dude with attitude each and every time over mario :lol:
I did indeed have Sonic CD for the Mega CD (FIRST CD CONSOLE). Man, Sega were on the money at one point. Shame... I also had the unliekly Sonic Pinball, Sonic Chaos etc. There were/are a lot of sonic games about. He's on the newest Super Smash Brothers too! Sonic sold his soul to nintendo in the end.

*falls through vent*

why does this keep happening? urgh, awwell, guess whos bought the second dvd series 1:2 of naruto and the 1st film? :p
10536 Well he first appeared on an nintendo console with Sonic Advance on the gameboy advance (further proof that Sonic should stick with 2D) so Sega sold him out long ago :p

Lucky S.O.B with an original Sonic CD the one i'm playing on uses the american soundtrack and i much prefer the european one which was the same as the japanese one.

Some of the master system/ Game Gear sonic games weren't too bad though i find it hard to play those versions of Sonic 2 simply because the screen size makes it impossible to jump at times of fear that you're jumping on spikes. The mega drive versions of the games are far superior.
I am a lucky sod ain't I :p Well, was a lucky sod. No longer have them like. Sold them long long, not realising how much I wish I hadn't now. Why did I sell my Sega but keep my nintendo? Got more money for sega at the time.

Looks like people are re-appearing now.

I bet the Queen does watch anime too. She has to be watching something in that palace of hers :p
10540 yeah :p just when our sonic conversation was getting good as well :lol: I'm going to try and track down a working Mega CD and a copy of Sonic CD just for my retro collection after all Sonic CD has been said to be the best 2D Sonic game ever just beating out Sonic 3 & Knuckles

i hear that the Queen watches Code Geass and has been getting ideas :p
10543 i heard that she's going to the expo with Chuck Norris as her escort (her husband will be hovering around the Harhui cosplayers trying his best not to insult anyone) :p and she'll be cosplaying as Motoko from Ghost in the Shell

*thought pops into head...falls on the floor convulsing and throws up guts*

*pictures chuck norris at expo*

hahahaha oh that'd be a day set down in history

*headlines read* "Norris Nukes Nerds"

Afternoon Ayase, Yeah blacks upto his scary mind tricks again. i tried putting a bucket on his head to stop him but it doesn't work.