Count to a Million

10309 - whatever that is Yagami....

I've manage to write me a small program to dl stuff from oneManga, as I as getting bored with clicking here and there and I prefer reading manga using FFView. Getting myself up to date with Hunter X Hunter.

Tachi- said:
Im worried....chaos is smiling...that can only mean were in for some chaotic times :eek:
I repeat....what are people upto tonight?
We are living in some chaotic times already my friend.

I'm staying in bed, trying to cure this cold. Will have some nice soup, which should get me better in no time...

Hope your feeling better today chaos,

*walks into offis and collapses in heap on the floor*

Just leave me here, i don't know whats up...but at 4,35am my body decided "right, time to wake up now" i know i had a early night, but come on =/ heavy...urgh
i can see me missing another class at college tonight =/ its a good thing because i don't like being there waiting hours for others to catch up to what i know anyway but can't miss too many lessons or i'll either lose track of what were "learning" or miss module exams.

Mornin' Tach. The cold woke me up early today. Our goddamn heating isn't working either...

::Huddles in front of warm glow of monitor with large cup of coffee::
*Forces his way into the building shielding himself from gail force winds*

God DAMN weather *looks up*

Oh, Hey guys *lifts hand* Hows we doing? I'm a little tired after my long weekend, but I've definately felt worse before. Only downside is now I have to play catch up with work. ¬_¬

There's always a catch to having time off. :roll:

Well, It's winter now you know. Not that Britain seems to have any seasons other than Autumn & Winter now. :lol:

Ready for the funny story Tach...
I know it's winter, it's just living on a peninsula can be a pain in the arse when it comes to wind. Earlier this year my street got nailed by flying debris. Luckly my car wasn't there but plenty of other windows were smashed and and body works dinted.
Wind comes at a price round these here parts.... however we do get full use out of all our wind turbines ^^

:lol: unlucky on both the weather and the work mate =/

Here's something i wasn't sure when to post, but as your online and ayase is somewhere and i've seen fox is online and floating around, most probably going to beat me to posting lol,

Here's my funny sony story:
Lastnight i went home and started playing LBP Beta, downloaded from bens account [we have a account on each of our consoles which holds the others account details so we can go onto the playstation store and download each others downloads and both of us get a game and only one pays] but when i was playing LBP (something ben said not to do as we've never shared a beta testing before and wasn't sure if sony would pick it up and void our accounts or even sue for copyright infringement) but i downloaded it anyway, figuring that altho the game would have the certification from bens account it would show that its my account details so should hide me from being picked up by the system....which i was right.....but ben tried to log into LBP later in the evening and it didn't work, kept running an error script. so figuring that it was probably me being logged into the game reserving the certification thats stopped him i logged out so in thoery he should be able to log in...but he still can't. at this point were both in hysterics.
I tell ben that i'll fix it when he goes offline, so afew hours later he goes offline, i log back into his account and check his playstationstore is okay.....the basic layout is fine....i go into his download list and EVERYTHING he's bought or downloaded is corrupt....once again laughing my head go back to the main playstation store page and all the links and pictires are showing "corrupt" at this point im abit worried but think "if i log out of his account and back into mine and see if mines alright" was fine, back into bens account hoping that logging in will refresh everything on his account.....nope lol. at this point i head straight for the playstation update to see if its a fault because it hasn't had an update (wasn't sure if they'd even be one....) luckily there was one, ran it and waited for it to finish, then went back into bens account....everythings fine again :lol:

So the Sony Ninja's are actually on my side and helped me muhahahaha :p

spent the rest of the evening building a racecar, various spaceships and a complex rocket which had a lift going down through the bottom of the rocket, going all the way up to the cockpit and then a switch to turn the rockets of and 2 switches one to turn on the extra rockets on the wings to rurn either left or right (hence 2 switches, one for each direction) its brilliant, really can make anything you want :D can't wait for the game to come out

:lol: That was lucky - you would *not* have been popular if it couldn't have been fixed Tach!

I'm not very up on LBP - it sounds kinda cool though. Is it only for Playstation?