Count to a Million


Yeah I think its released today.

I'll buyt it if its £9.99 but I seriously doubt it. I still want Origins aswell but thats still £14.99.

Also want Grave of Fireflies as ive neevr seen it but its always £15 :(
I have Grave of Fireflies on DVD but I too want Origin. Don't own it and still haven't seen it. £9.99 usually my target price also. However, deopending on the film I've bought for more. =P

What is that Origin about? Animation looks awesome (why I wanna see it).

*Stands* Be back in 10. Gonna grab a coffee.

Yeah I hate paying over £10, I die a little inside. Thats why I hav'nt seen Appleseed yet haha.

No idea what Origin is about but im the same as you, the animation looks top quality with what looks like some beautiful landscapes and locations

Don't get me wrong Vod, thats £20 EACH series dvd.
helluva-lot to pay for what? 13 eps at tops :/
where 1 still isn't cost effective to buy manga as a pose to anime.
personally, i go for what i want at the time. anime's better for eps vs vols but manga can be read on the move.
everything has its pro's and con's.

i have seen that mentioned somewhere fox, but not sure if i'll check it out.

right now im trying to get up to date on naruto. bought series 1:2 and 2:2 for £18 in Cex on tuesday.
they had 2 box's for 1:1 but apparently no disks. thats strange :/
awwell. i'll carry on buying them from Cex because atleast some royalties went to the makers when it was bought the first time. i'd like to think that buying it 2nd hand from there might also mean even more money gets back to the company.
i'm going about it the right way (in my eyes), watching the series online. then buying the series anyway.

Appleseed is a great film :D
highly recomended if you like GITS and small mecha

Sub and dubbed.

Like most dvd's, you can decide what you want, sub, dub , both, or neither.
i had an ex (who strangely enough is flirting with me again) who still has my appleseed dvd, and used to watch it raw.
i can't do that :/ its either subbed or dubbed but as for watching it in japanese....can't watch it....which is strange because i like traditional oriental films like the house of flying daggers raw.


Wish my ex flirted with me. she was gorgeous lol. Although my girl is just as gorgeous so cant complain :p

Hmmm I thought the cheaper version in HMV was just subbed and the new 2 disc edition is dubbed, I could be wrong
Which Applesead are you referig to? I think the whole lot is awesome but I guess your refering to the 2006 release (pixlated). I have that in a steel DVD box. Very swish.
9118 Final Fusion Approved!

*mech's combine together*

The king of braves has arrived!

sorry for the late entrance but i've been getting the game ready to show to the guy in charge of the project
Yo Brave... er.. I mean Black :p

You'll have to update us on that break through you had last night after we all left.

@Fox: My list did consist of EVA and OutlawStar but I bought those in the USA. At the moment, top of my list is still Trigun but it's just soo expensive. Besides that I want FLCL, Naruto (only got first two boxsets), Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Loads more but most aren't available in the UK yet.
9120 oh no...not by a long shot, it looks more like a game but there is still a lot to do, too much in fact, those problems early on crippled the development, but life does teach the best lessons through experince :p

Anyway on my wish list is the new Wolf's Rain set (thank you Beez) and the region 1 releases of King of Braves GaoGaiGar of course that just leaves me with the trouble of tracking down GaoGaiGar Final, after that it will be the new Naruto season, the new Bleach season and some other things which i've forgotten :p

Also did you watch Tsukihime vol 3?

Black your gonna hate me. I failed to watch Tsukihime Vol.3 last night :( I got home, just sat down and my mate paul was buzzing on my flat buzzer,

I open the door and he invited himself in, opened up my fridge, grabbed himself a beer, plunked himself on my sofa and said the fateful words "pub then?"

So off I went lol.
Random pub visits are always allowed for excuses. It's when you say "I got home and plonked on the sofa, was gonna watch Tsukihime Vol.3 but decided to watch Pokemon instead" This equals not valid excuse.
I don't get to go to the pub with the lads much anymore T_T Misses always makes me feel tight foe leaving her in on her tod. Everything has to be planned in advance now.
Relationships :roll: Over rated :wink:

:lol: sounds like a scene out of shaun of the dead fox.

well, on my list.

all the Bleach series.
finish off collecting naruto
start full metal panic
buy the deathnote series.
buy the Studio Ghibli collection
witchblade series 1,2 and 3

Agreed Voddas, my girl was'nt too happy either. Sometimes she comes out but she wants to stay in with me. Its when I get home and she's watching Ikki Tousen....thats when I worry haha

@Tachi - Yup we are all MASSIVE Shaun of the Dead fans afterall haha