Count to a Million


I did the average of 75 posts per day.

I could be wrong. Tell me in the morning as im off home too :)

Later guys. Its been fun. see ya in the breakfats club 9:00am sharp

*throws red hoody+jacket into the air and puts arms up as the sleeves land down his arms*

*Points at black*

Talk to you on msn later mate :thumb:

*Turns around and a thundering shudder as Tachi disappears from sight*

*unlocks closet door and comes out*

Ha, i told them im the king of hide and seek......they haven't come back.....must be looking for me still

*sits in chair with feet crossed on desk and hands behind head*
*Walks in draggubf feet behind*
Morning Tachi. How was your night?
*collapses into chair*
My misses is in one of her moods. I kept her awake all night with my snoring (never snored in my life untill I met her). Kinda wierd coz she's angry at me but at the same time knows she can't be angry at me coz it's not like I'm doing it on purpose. I'm even trying out snore cures for her. Last few nights have been those nose strips (Breath Rights). Feel strange and so far haven't done the job obviously.


Morning guys, the DLR was suspended so im late GRR!! means I cant talk much this morning. Sorry guys. Prob catch up with you this savo
*see's Fox's face and leans away in shock*
Unlucky Fox. We'll try and slip some convos in at some point mate. I'll be around for the best part of the day at least. Tachi be somewhere too.

*sits in abit miffed*

Morning Fox and Voddas,
Unlucky on the snoring front Vod :/ dont worry, somethings gotta work.
and Fox, sorry to hear about the trains :/

But you two better start smiling soon.
because its friday ^^

i've just found out one person in the office who only works thursday and friday hasn't bothered to turn up for work.
i've been feeling sick since tuesday and i still come in because were that short staffed we can't afford to have anyone on sick.
thing is.....1st week she turned up on thursday and went home by lunchtime claiming she was ill (we know for a fact she went out drinking the wednesday because it was one of the girls in the office birthday and they all went out) 2nd week she didn't turn up at all, and this week she turns up, spends most of thursday doing her make up in the morning and then again before she goes to lunch, then gets back, fills out 5 forms and posts them. then spends the afternoon listening to her iPod and then buggered off outside to see her boyfriend for an hour, comes back and is on her mob to a friend and hasn't done a thing else. took the on call fone home and hasn't come to work today. so we dont have the oncall fone over the weekend so she's stuck with it.

stupid cow.

*takes deep breath and counts to ten*
now thats all out i feel better lol
She definately sounds life she's suffering from Stupid Tart Syndrome or STD lol. Well it doesn't sound like she'll have her job for too long Tach.

I've just ordered lunch for my team and now I'm hungry. Reading allowed all those meals just made me think of tasty grub. *stomach grumbles*

So glad it's Friday today. This week has flown in tho. Can't believe I've been in work for 5 days? Just confusing. Off out for tea tonight with the team also. Bday/Work doo. Going for a chinese (best chinese in town too) Really looking forward to it.


Are you a team leader Voddas?

Oh finished Vol.3 of Claymore, yeah Teresa is awesome!! Vol.4 should arrive 2morro :) and Vol.5 is released in a few days i think
I'm a supervisor but I suppose you could say team leader. It's not as high on the ladder as it sounds however. I'm not a toad only a tadpole with legs showing the leggless tadpole which way to go inevolution which is my work place.

Glad your still loving Claymore, but soon, like me, you'll get to the end and have to wait fo more story to be published and the wait is murdorous. MURDOROUS I TELL'S YA!!

Well, i haven't watched the anime. but i've read vol 1 of the manga and it was right down your street :thumb:
to be honest. anime as a pose to manga is more cost effective.

i know there's 3 anime series out on dvd. (around £20 in HMV) :(
I don't want to hear it Tach. I can't afford anymore anime or manga at the moment. Watching what I've got to keep me going for a while, thus why I watched Eva again.

Sounds great. I'll prob buy the manga then.

Ive still got Vol.1 of Tsubasa to read.

The thing is about the cost effectivness. I read a whole manga volume on the train in 40minutes. so thats £6 for 40mins, whereas I can get a boxset of anime and it will last ages. so its all swings and roundabouts, specially when some anime volumes are £7 these days. ah well

Who's gonna buy "The Girl that lept through time" its got great reviews from NEO this month
I'v seen it ^__^ and enjoyed it very much. Will see how much they selling it for before I buy it. I'm sure they'll be selling it on 2disc specials and all.
Good anime and good story.