Count to a Million


You do that Tachi ma boy.

Don't think they make my sword anyore. Can find the blade it has but not the hilt. Hmmm.... will have to take a picture of it tonight. It's nice...

Mono! What happened? Everyone just vansished! Are they all preparing for the end of the word do you think?


Done anything interesting as of late?

@Tachi Fine you just dive in there and make no sense of my post. :p

I'm still here! I've just been catching up on all the stuff I've missed. What did you get up to on holiday then Voddas? (If you haven't gone over it several times already)

I aim to confuse ;)

alas the dentist really isnt something i should be hailing about, i can't stand the place....same with hospitals really.....the whole sterilised smell really puts me off.

Our family dentist is a jerk too. he scrapes teeth on everyone till it chips, then says "that needs seeing to" my dad was fuming and started shouting "you just did that", the guys a royal TW4T

Tachi- said:
Our family dentist is a jerk too. he scrapes teeth on everyone till it chips, then says "that needs seeing to" my dad was fuming and started shouting "you just did that", the guys a royal TW4T
That's great. Like a fireman who starts fires! :lol:

Come to think of it... maybe it's underfunded off-duty policemen who are stabbing and shooting people. "Now then, we're going to need sniper rifles, armoured cars, mechanised cyborgs..."

Ayase, scary but true
I have been taught how to pull apart a standard 9mm gun, and reassemble,
used to shoot a PSG1 snipers rifle round my grandads house for target practice. and he scared me by shooting blanks at my feet when i was 8....cruel but funny

Hence the PSG1 being my fav rifle.
so come on ayase, we can take em

Where did you learn that Tach - or are you not at liberty to say? I've only ever used an air pistol, (hey, it's weapon discussion day!) but wouldn't mind a Walther WA-2000. Too much playing on Hitman has endeared that particular model to me.

Elementary my dear Ayase, Elementary ;)

:lol: couldn't let that moment slip.
Well, my grandad on my dads side of the family was in the army, served for 40+ years and i forget what rank he hit but i'll ask dad at home tonight and be back with an answer tomorrow.
He taught me everything he know's CQC is actually the best name for it to be honest.
taught pressure points, what part of the body can be exploited and weaknesses.
there's more ways to perform a one hit kill in hand to hand combat than you 'd think.

My grandad got the guns from the army itself. seamingly they asked my dad if he wanted to take his fav pistol away when he left the forces. and he said no, he wanted the GPMG lol