Count to a Million


Like I said "I may be wrong". Just what I thought was what happened is all. Did I sound convincing? :lol:
Mine was a samurai sword anyway so mine's still banned O_O

Hi Mononoke :p

Well, i guess there's only one way to see to this, go on the 10 downing st website and email in asking if its illegal, then if its not then order the sword, anyone who says anything after that will have a copy of the email shoved in their face and told very sternly "NO"

Hey mono ^^
8790 Hey mononoke, good plan Tach of course you could get an email back saying..."well they weren't on the ban but now you've brought this to our attention consider them banned as well :twisted: "

I feared that too black.....but they'd get a polite email thanking them for their time and asking them very nicely to fcuk off


i'll have a word with my dad about it. see what can be done
but i WILL have a replica of rebellion! i've seen a pic of my second fav DMC sword too...alastor,

Afternoon people. They can't ban swords! Blacksmiths will go out of work and the economy will suffer as a result. (at least that's what we should tell the government) ;)
8795 How are you today Mononoke?

@Tach lol cool but of course you could probably get some of the cooler DMC weaponry without too much bother :p like the awesome sycthe guitar

EDIT: Afternoon Ayase :p
8798 I'm good thanks :) still feel a bit dodgy from yesterday though but i'm recovering

@Voddas you missed it last week when we were showing off our swords (and tachi has seen a drawing of mine)

Actually where's the other member of our little club? Where's Fox?

He'll turn up dont worry ^^

And after much deliberation i have decided, i've put the order through on amazon, will keep you guys updated