Count to a Million

8510 yup eva is spot on this filler arc though has made me question something though, mainly the new captain of squad 6 in the manga they haven't replaced that position **Mega spoliers coming up Sypro so read on at your own peril** i'm wondering when the time comes are they going to alter the current showdown to add him in the battle for karkura town and the battle against Azien and his arranacar army espeiically since a lot of the soul societies heavy hitters are trapped in huneco mondo

Sypro read the above at your own peril i did inlcude a little note in there when i'm going in to heavy spoiler zones
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I see, I have never really got into Bleach anyway, still need to buy series one part two.

Oh I see people mentioning trolls earlier in the thread, whats a troll, apart from fantasy terms of course

I see, hmmm, so perhaps like if someone is a massive naruto fan and then people start calling them Narutard like ive seen some people do. Is that trolling?
8516 its only trolling if the person started the thread and made it so arugments were inevitable like the how to get a girlfriend thread (though that has no been purified and is now an X files thread)

We cant complain I guess, if nobody liked it they would stop altogether ha.

Im really tempted to get the Robotech complete boxset. Its like 88 episodes on 14 discs for £25. thats pretty good going
yeah that works out under £2 a disc which is good (my Transformers Taraka boxset worked out a tad more expensive but 110 eps for £40 isn't that bad :lol: )