Code Geass

Mollfie said:
I havn't watched it, but I keep being told its "omg so amazing" so...why is that? What makes it so good?
It would probably depend on your taste in anme. Code Geass is quite gripping with it's suprise, suspense (almost) every episode style. Mainley war and status gased anime with gundams and a touch of humour at times. Series also can get quite dark at times.
The thing I love about it most is the lack of filler. I haven't been disapointed by a single episode so far. Story line is always moving.
Plus Code Geass gives you a hankering for some Pizza Hut :p

Read up on it here on MyAnimList.
Ryo Chan said:
well after the mind **** of episode 15

i'm putting all my money on a CC/lulu ending
Explained an awful lot, but still managed to raise more questions than it answered.
Not putting any money on any relationship panning out, unless they go for a reality reset ending. Lulu has done enough evil (even admitting to it) to be undeserving of a truely happy ending. Suzaku is also rapidly approaching that point of no return but did manage to pull back a bit last episode.
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hopeful_monster said:
Ryo Chan said:
well after the mind **** of episode 15

i'm putting all my money on a CC/lulu ending
Explained an awful lot, but still managed to raise more questions than it answered.
Not putting any money on any relationship panning out, unless they go for a reality reset ending. Lulu has done enough evil (even admitting to it) to be undeserving of a truely happy ending. Suzaku is also rapidly approaching that point of no return but did manage to pull back a bit last episode.

i don't think there's any return for Suzaku or Rollo anymore

I'm agreeing with what alot of people are saying on the AoD forums that Lulu is going to lose someone important, and if C.C does die, she will be followed by either Kallen or Nunally
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While I feel sorry for Rolo, never really though he was one that could be redeemed. The shear amount of blood on his hands makes it very difficult and after Shirley's untimely death by his hands it is now nigh on impossible. While others, Lulu and Suzaku especially, may have been responsible for /caused/killed more, the fact he does most of his personally seemingly makes it worse.
Suzaku is redeemable as he hasn't really done much bad, though has thought about doing it e.g. drugging up Karen but hasn't acutally gone through with it, and most of the deaths on his hands have been that of other soldiers or freedom fighters/ terrorists. Little or no innocent blood, and his only darkside moments are joining the evil empire and betraying his oldest friend (who had betrayed him and killed his girlfriend).
Lulu is the most interesting case for possible redemption. Has displayed regret for some of his actions, has a selfless goal (kinder world for sister), does not always use violence to achieve goals, and loyal to his friends ( just doesn't correct people if they think they are his friend but aren't).
As for the reapers list, don't think they are going to kill off many more main characters until closer to the end. CC is effectively dead. No memories of who she is and what she had with Lulu. Karen is in the slammer, and his association with the Ashford academy is pretty much over now. Can how ever think of quite a few secondary characters who could cross the Styx fairly shortly. Diet orange Cola anyone?
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Code geass
Hate double posting but no one else has talked about the last few episodes.
CC seems to have taken over as the Moe Bait from Shirley all helpless and pathetic looking and sounding (though how did she learn Japanese?). I mean talking about how she used to get thrashed by her old masters was nicer that being as lonely as she was. How much more Woobie can they make her. Just wondering how much emphasis on she’s going to put on the bandage and which finger it’s on, and how much of her skills has she lost.
Kallen is proving to be more interesting in a box than on the battle front. But more as a foil for other character and as foil between all the varying Knights of the Twelve. Nunnally isn’t as much growing a spine but showing it. Though wonder how long it will last in the case of the 1st prince’s schemes. Personally think she gonna get ignored by Shinezl then turn round and crap on his plans from a great height . As for his plans which while we have no clue as to what they might be but getting an image from the shapes of the pieces (i.e. nuclear Nina, comments about Zero’s identity, new knowledge of the geass,) but wondering if he’s going to be the big bad or just a bait and switch boss.
Just wondering when all these Chekhovs Guns are going to get shot, especially all these one unlinked scene ones. (eg the one with charles and the map with all the geass symbols) While I appreciate being treaded like some one who can remember what happened more than one episode ago the shear number of unfired guns is getting enough to equip a small army.
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Episode 17 did prove to be quite good actually, its also gone and proven more of the Korean spoilers which where posted a long while back. The main thing that i'm personally wondering is Is Suzaku going to use the Freya willingly or not, i've heard many say he will, but nothing is for sure. Also on the note of Kallen From the summary in newtype and such for 18, it looks like she gets free this episode, so means she's back in action, it'll be interesting to see how she confronts Lelouch about everything, Shirley in particular would be a good one
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Holy *** on a *** sandwich! With *** on top! And a side helping of ***! While the old trope of no body no confirmed kill may come into effect (unless you're one of the X-Men and you can die, have an autopsy, be cremated and STILL come back to life), WOW. So many potential routes gone, so many more created. If that was one of the spoilers boy am i glad i didn't read it.
RetroRainbow said:
It's Sunrise. They definitely aren't dead. Plus, on the official site, they've updated it with how everyone relates to each other, and Nunnally was labeled 'whereabouts unconfirmed'. TYPICAL. I'm glad I didn't read recent spoilers, either. Been trying to avoid all the places which post them. I've been spoiled for the whole series, my own fault, I admit that; curiosity gets the better of me. But I decided I really don't want this ending to be spoiled. I've a feeling Charles somehow geased everyone into a different realm, though.
One thing: How silly was it for Lelouch to send Rolo to get Nunnally? Surely he's aware of Rolo's slight obsession for him, and tendency to kill people without a though, surely he would've put two and two together? Oh well. I'm sure Rolos' over Jupiter now at her dying without him having to dirty his hands. Although going by next week's preview, Lelouch will take it out on him, anyway. And poor C.C. Oh god, more domestic violence. ;_;

I did, however, read one theory someone had; (possible?) Anya/Nunnally spoilers~
According to some random Korean blog, which posts spoilers; apparently, Nunnally was sent as a spy to Lelouch. What. Also, apparently, Anyas' the real sister. I'm not too suprised at Anya, but I find it really hard to believe about Nunnally. Also; as I recall, Russia's most famous princess, Anastacia, was also called Anya/Anna. Hmm, slight connection, possibly? Apparently, 95 per cent of what he posts comes to be. Although, he did say that that Vampire Knight of Rounds would survive, and harm Kallen.

Ahh, i think i know what you mean, although: There was the korean spoilers which where taken from a blog where the person who writes it apparently won a competition to see the script, and posted the spoilers up. There was another set of spoilers put up, korean again, not to long ago, but they where all fake, i believe that could be the ones you mean.

I've not actually looked at the site as of late though, last time was to see the new Guren, but thats it. I'm looking forward to the next episode, from what i saw of the extended preview I'm honestly thinking Suzaku has gone mad now, and whats with the geass mark on lelouch's hand?
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I watched episode 19 last night, things are getting hairy! Looks like Suzaku has finally lost it, eh?
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Yehey Code Geass is finished.... i've been watching this since the first episode and after all the perpetual wait and all those damn cliff hanging episodes, it's ALL WORTH IT. It's just so good... his glorious, staged death and stuff... i'm not even bothered if he was actually dead or not, even if they didn't show C.C. talking to Lulu or just herself at the last seconds, it's still satisfying.... his objective was accomplish, they even have the same resolve as Nunally.... to let hate be the motivation for the future - a peaceful world (something like that)

but really? is he dead or not...?????????
we'll never know...^_^

i'm just ecstatic that it's so great and finished... i don't care what people say but for me it's the best anime i've seen... intellect, action, twist, not everyone lives, cliff hanger, plot, visually brilliant, of course the character drawings.... and ye's i've seen loads of anime too from bleach to death note to OHHC to rumbling hearts, etc.. still this one is the best.... i saw some anime japanese polls also love lulu and this show and they seen loads of anime too...^_^

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Just caught the ending, and I was genuinely surprised it wrapped up so nicely! It was a mess in places, not to mention cliched - but the conclusion makes it almost forgivable.

It must have done something right in the final scene; having despised Lelouch throughout the second series, my hatred for him dissolved in those last moments. So long as he's actually dead then Code Geass can be regarded positively as a whole I reckon.
Wildcard said:
Just caught the ending, and I was genuinely surprised it wrapped up so nicely! It was a mess in places, not to mention cliched - but the conclusion makes it almost forgivable.

It must have done something right in the final scene; having despised Lelouch throughout the second series, my hatred for him dissolved in those last moments. So long as he's actually dead then Code Geass can be regarded positively as a whole I reckon.

Personally thought he was going to try and do a Revan from Kotor be evil to prepare for an even greater evil. What he did was simliar but in a way a lot more idealistic that i expected of him.
As for your conditional... didn't you catch the very final scene? Where CC was talking to Lelouch, but given her tendence to talk to 'dead' people not quite sure what to make of it.
While i doubt there will be a sequel wonder if they'll do a prequel/ retelling. It's to nice a cash cow for Bandi to completely abandon.
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Ryo Chan said:
i would almost put money on an oav or movie comming out

may need to wait a year, but it will happen. after all Sunrise loves it's Gundam OAV's

and gundam movies :p remember they are still suposed to be working on a Gundam SEED movie but anyway there's a high bet on an OVA being created now