Code Geass


Not sure if it has been discussed yet, but considering how cool the series is I imagine it has been at some point. Anyway, I started watching it recently and have now moved onto R2. The way Lelouch uses his power reminds me of Death Note, but with a splash of mecha action. This may be an anime worth checking out for those of you who've just finished watching whatever you last saw. So, anyone else enjoying Code Geass?
never..............evvvvvvveeerrrrr compair Geass to Death Note or i may have to hunt you down ;)

As for Geass, yes i'm enjoying it, but i'll reserve my final judgement untill we find out if Sunrise do what they do best and Kill a love intrest off, be it C.C, Shirley, Kallen (my odds on favorite or even Nunally) *Arby may not want to read as he feels i'm already too pessamistic about this* :D
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Ryo Chan said:
never..............evvvvvvveeerrrrr compair Geass to Death Note or i may have to hunt you down ;)

As for Geass, yes i'm enjoying it, but i'll reserve my final judgement untill we find out if Sunrise do what they do best and Kill a love intrest off, be it C.C, Shirley, Kallen (my odds on favorite or even Nunally) *Arby may not want to read as he feels i'm already too pessamistic about this* :D

i seriously doubt that'll happen, i've seen/read a lot that goes against that theory, at least for a couple of characters, so i expect your thoughts to be wrong =p

Its good at the moment, it has its moments when its pretty darn good, but still has those meh moments as well. Still best wait till mid-way/3/4's of the way through till i say its its really good.
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im currently still watching the first season of Geass...and i must say its pretty awsome so far (ep 13)
and i have to agree with Nemphtis on this. It does seem like death note mixed with mecha...or Death Note X Gundam.
loving the animation.
Well, there are some obvious parallels to Death Note - both have intelligent*, less-than-morally-perfect protagonists with some kind of mystical power that they're using to try to create their perfect world. I'd say the most significant difference between the two is that Light's fighting against a percieved flaw, whereas in Code Geass most of the world has been taken over by an aggresively expansionist, possibly-evil empire, providing a more extant opponent.

I'm currently up to date with the second season of CG, and still enjoying it. It's a ridiculous series but good fun. Crazily overpowered mecha fights, silly school comedy stuff, and laugh-out-loud plot twists and Xanatos Roulettes. Of course, part of the reason the latter are so fun is because the show takes them so seriously ^^

*well, they're supposed to be. Personally, I'd say they're both as thick as the proverbial two short, but hey.
Code Geass is untaxing entertainment, it looks nice and the plot moves quickly so there's rarely a dull moment. It's no masterpiece; but it's good fun.

It's severely melodramatic, and it reeks of fanservice at times but for the moment at least it's still a good watch. :)
Ryo Chan said:
looked at up1 today

didn't relise the boxset comes with vols 1 and 2

same here. i was suprised that both vols are included....this is tempting me more.
although it is confusing as to why there are 4 versions for this release.:
-Vol 1
-Vol 2
-Vol 1&2 bundle
-Vol 1&2 LE edition.

they might aswell keep it to two versions...the bundle and the LE edition.....oh well.
Ninja Boy! said:
Ryo Chan said:
looked at up1 today

didn't relise the boxset comes with vols 1 and 2

same here. i was suprised that both vols are included....this is tempting me more.
although it is confusing as to why there are 4 versions for this release.:
-Vol 1
-Vol 2
-Vol 1&2 bundle
-Vol 1&2 LE edition.

they might aswell keep it to two versions...the bundle and the LE edition.....oh well.

Yep, I was wondering that as well. Maybe its because the bundle may come in 1 dvd box, whereas the other volumes come in individual boxes?

Well, whatever the case maybe, I will probably get the LE set, or the bundle ;).
I'll be purchasing Code Geass as well, since I personally found it to be one of the better series' out there. I agree with what has mostly been said thus far, but even with those flaws I just really enjoyed it. I mean I'm watching this and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, but so far I've found Code Geass a lot more interesting. Maybe it's because the last anime I sat through was Lucky Star, so anything with action in it just automatically got my brain excited. Oh yeah, and I agree that Karren or C.C. is going to die towards the end, in fact I'll be more surprised if they don't die.
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I don't tend to be into mecha shows much. (Eva, Gunbuster and Patlabor are the only ones I've really enjoyed) but a lot of people seem to be talking about CG so I migh check it out.

RetroRainbow said:
Looked it up on Amazon UK, and I'm pleasantly suprised to see that it's all regions. Was going to buy it anyway, but I can buy it earlier, now. However, when I checked Amazon USA, it was Region 1. Ho-hum.

If something's being described as all regions 99 times out of 100 it's probably a bootleg. US Manga Corps are the only company I know of that released region 0's. Not to worry though, most dvd players can be unlocked by typing a code into the remote. Just Google your player's name and "region code" :wink:
Wildcard said:
Code Geass is untaxing entertainment, it looks nice and the plot moves quickly so there's rarely a dull moment. It's no masterpiece; but it's good fun.

It's severely melodramatic, and it reeks of fanservice at times but for the moment at least it's still a good watch. :)
I approve of this summary.
Still enjoying this season as much as the the first series just wondering when they are going the throw a real dosie like episode 22 of the 1st season.
Finding it odd that everyone is focusing so much on Lulu's moral ambiguity rather than Suzaku's quiet slide to the darkside.
PS nice to see some one else who reads TV tropes
as powerful as episode 22 was

i still found the one when Lulu had to use geass on Shirley to be the most powerful. although after the latest episode, that may soon change :D
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RetroRainbow said:
A lot of people are saying Anyas' going to die, but that's just hearsay, really.
Not the one's I've been hearing. They state she's Marianne or Euphie after 6 million dollar man style rebuilding. This is due to the weirdness when CC touched her.
My question is who (if anyone) do you think is going to end up with Lulu?
Kallen has the advantage that she knows almost everything about Lulu and to a greater extent has accepted it. She also respects him as Zero and all he has done for Japan.
Think Lulu quite likes Shirley but mainly he feels a lot of responsibility toward her. But it will be interesting to see how a mix of the
lover's hat confession and regaining ALL here memories will pan out. kinda hoping she remembers why he took those memories away. Have always rooted for her.
C.C. while they share and interesting relationship it is not those relationships IMO. Also the fact she doesn't age would kinda put a crimp on things.
Not going to talk about the jail bait.
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may want to spoiler the part after the lovers hat comment :D

as for the Anya being euphie

it's hard to belive my little joke on the AS forums was taken so far and is still going :(
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i am currently on episode 20...and i am really liking this show.
i may have to purchase the LE R1 DVD set.

although having said that...i feel i may not even watch it after purchasing it....-_- and it comes out next month to boot..... i shouldnt have watched it and enjoy it when it officially releases.... like i did with Haruhi
Ninja Boy! said:
i am currently on episode 20...and i am really liking this show.
i may have to purchase the LE R1 DVD set.

although having said that...i feel i may not even watch it after purchasing it....-_-
Don't know, I want to re-watch it especially in light of certain things that have happened in season 2.
would not surprise me one bit

i told you sunrise can be a bitch with doing that to loveable characters :(

oh, and Flay from gundam i guess