"But we're both girls!" - The Yuri Thread

At least it hasn't been abandoned altogether, but what a fiasco. Only the high-profile mess that is Uzumaki might give this a run for Worst Production Disaster of the Year. The manga deserved better.
It was getting to a point where I was worried that they'd never be released.
I agree that the manga deserved a much better adaptation than this because despite all this mess, I still actually enjoyed this anime and I ended up re-reading the manga because of it. Just think how awesome it could have been... Pain.
The final nail in the coffin: the Japanese BD release has been cancelled.

Based on what's implied in the article, it looks like the sequence of fiascos related to this adaptation may have killed the animation studio.
Guess the only way to get the 12 episodes that were released is off the internet. What a damn shame.
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Will be interesting to see how this one gets animated. I'm expecting a lot of anime only content; there are SO many gaps to fill. Also, going at the pace the manga is means there's barely enough content for a season honestly. It may feel like it's slow but when you do another read and not have to wait a week, sometimes months for the next 4 pages, things do move pretty quick.