Looks like I spoke too soon. They do say in passing that there is more to Manga than Hentai, but it's easy to miss particularly given that the guy they quote seems to think that all Manga is like Hentai. But then that's the Sun for you. No intelligent person is going to take the article seriously, although it may sway a few people who don't known anything about Manga or Japan.
It does illustrate the one area where Manga/Film/Games have an effect on people. It doesn't make a person more likely to commit a crime, several scientific studies have proven that. What happens is that people who were going to commit the crime anyway, copy what they've seen making the crime even more horrific than it would have been otherwise. Besides, you have to be pretty messed up to even be interested in the kind of stuff the article is talking about.
It does illustrate the one area where Manga/Film/Games have an effect on people. It doesn't make a person more likely to commit a crime, several scientific studies have proven that. What happens is that people who were going to commit the crime anyway, copy what they've seen making the crime even more horrific than it would have been otherwise. Besides, you have to be pretty messed up to even be interested in the kind of stuff the article is talking about.