Bloggers of AUKN - attention: because I have an idea! :)

CitizenGeek said:
Hey, I don't mean any disrespect to Doberman Pharoh (I do actually quite like his sweets review blog) but I don't think it should really be included in the Nakama. It's about sweets afterall, and this is an anime site. It just doesn't seem right, really. Just a suggestion, though ^_^

I know what you mean but I suppose I set this up as a community project rather than just a purely anime/manga related aggregator. That way, we include everyone with a forum account. It is pretty random, but it's also nice change of pace ;)

Maxon said:
I've decided to move my blog since the last site-host sucked.

OK, updated. As an aside, I'm surprised so many people go for blogspot when Word Press is such a better system, especially for comments.


I've noticed since the initial fad of starting up a blog, many of you suckers haven't even made one post... Come on guys, lets see what you have to say! :)
I should really make a blog.

The problem is, even though I think anime is an excellent form of entertainment, and at times, has been more than that, I'd still feel as if I was forcing myself to write something meaningful and worthy, rather than some miserly two paragraphs of cookie-cutter jargon that could be found on a million other blogs.

I would do an art related blog, but I have DA for that - not like it's updated quite regularly anyway. :p

DP's confectionary blog is a kickass read, and so are the occasional anime specific blogs, but nothing comes to mind when writing my own blog.

Maybe I just need a kick in the ass, because the skills there. >_>;
I'd like to set up a blog sometime, actually. I was thinking I could go over anime classics like Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genesis Evangelion considering I only watched them recentely. It would be great for improving my writing skills too. I guess I'm just too lazy (and too cynical - who's going to read my blog when there are a million other ones out there?) to start one up.

Paul said:
CitizenGeek said:
Hey, I don't mean any disrespect to Doberman Pharoh (I do actually quite like his sweets review blog) but I don't think it should really be included in the Nakama. It's about sweets afterall, and this is an anime site. It just doesn't seem right, really. Just a suggestion, though ^_^

I know what you mean but I suppose I set this up as a community project rather than just a purely anime/manga related aggregator. That way, we include everyone with a forum account. It is pretty random, but it's also nice change of pace ;)

I guess so - it's just a little jarring sometimes! ^_^
I've recently noticed WordPress. Signed Up. Nothing more :D

The thing putting off blogging at the moment is the quality of everyones else's (at whatever they have to offer) is of a very high standard. I just think I need to have something more interesting to say. :X

Blogging about Japan in general seems more appealing to me, Manga/Jrock/Anime/Games. YAY.

I'll have to think about this.
Jayme said:
I've recently noticed WordPress. Signed Up. Nothing more :D

The thing putting off blogging at the moment is the quality of everyones else's (at whatever they have to offer) is of a very high standard. I just think I need to have something more interesting to say. :X

Blogging about Japan in general seems more appealing to me, Manga/Jrock/Anime/Games. YAY.

I'll have to think about this.
It's more fun (and easier) if you just write it for yourself. If you try too hard to write for others, it's probably even harder to get noticed.
Paul said:
OK, updated. As an aside, I'm surprised so many people go for blogspot when Word Press is such a better system, especially for comments.
I've never been to wordpress, and since I've already set this new one up, I'm not changing for a while. :p
Paul said:
I've noticed since the initial fad of starting up a blog, many of you suckers haven't even made one post... Come on guys, lets see what you have to say! :)
I actually started mine just before the idea was brought up. Yeah, I'm on the defensive. :p To be honest, there's not been much to discuss that really catches my interest recently.
Paul said:
I've noticed since the initial fad of starting up a blog, many of you suckers haven't even made one post... Come on guys, lets see what you have to say! :)

I've been struggling with it, i being to write down my post, and then i get half way, think thats crap, and leave it, only to come back to it again later only to go through the same thing again =/. I should really write down what i think on paper then try it, since then i may get a decent second post.
Well, reading the responses above, the general theme seems to be that you're all struggling to come up with the "perfect idea"? It doesn't really work like that - no matter what you are talking about, no one blog is the same because your opinion is unique. Blogging is supposed to be impulsive, you don't have to be original to attract readers. The only requirement, even if it seems like you're wasting your time, is be opinionated. It helps if you are coherent too! I suggest you all make few posts, at least that way you'll know whether or not you enjoy what you're writing.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is just do it, even if you have reservations, just do it anyway ;)
Paul said:
Well, reading the responses above, the general theme seems to be that you're all struggling to come up with the "perfect idea"? It doesn't really work like that - no matter what you are talking about, no one blog is the same because your opinion is unique. Blogging is supposed to be impulsive, you don't have to be original to attract readers. The only requirement, even if it seems like you're wasting your time, is be opinionated. It helps if you are coherent too! I suggest you all make few posts, at least that way you'll know whether or not you enjoy what you're writing.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is just do it, even if you have reservations, just do it anyway ;)
Kind of what I wanted to say, heh. Oh and if some retard tries to antagonise you, like what happened when Paul linked to my blog, then just ignore them.
Is it a real pain Paul if I have a new deviantart account? (Since I'm in the collective list ;))

(If you feel like updating it however it works it's -
Just updated our blog portal with the new URL for Maxon's site and Espy's new blog on livejournal. This means Nakama Britannica now hosts 27 seperate blogs and/or Deviantart accounts, list is below:
  • the chocolate review
    The End of the World
    Bateszi Anime Blog
    Congo Gum
    deviantART: by:chaz-anime
    deviantART: by:eek:utlawstar8489
    deviantART: by:trashbat
    deviantART: gallery:scoodle sort:time
    deviantART: by:kyokohunter
    deviantART: by:zentron
    deviantART: by:waterproof
    Garden Variety Realist
    Nakama Britannica
    Hige vs. Otaku
    Maxon Treik's Weblog
    Sy's Badly Drawn Blog
    Impenetrable Randomness
    Sonia's Journal
    Arby's Archive
    Ryo's Rants
    Outlaw Blog
    Chrono's blog of doom
    Waiting for Kalki
    Pravada & Other Stories
    Bollywood Girl's Guide To Life
    You're only really here because you're bored.
Generally, the portal is currently averaging around 100-150 unique visits a day, during August it was more like 50-80. Of course, you're also exposed to the greater traffic coming through AUKN and these community forums too.

I do think this has been a rather useful feature for our community and keeps us altogether when we do venture out onto the big wide web.
Its good to see the Nakama Britannica blog portal going well, it would be great if more could join as well. I really need to get my head down and post a few of my half-done half not so sure posts, even if they do turn out to be crap.
Arbalest said:
Its good to see the Nakama Britannica blog portal going well, it would be great if more could join as well. I really need to get my head down and post a few of my half-done half not so sure posts, even if they do turn out to be crap.

I know what you mean, I have about 5 so-so posts that I havint posted yet.

Have to say yeah Nakama is great and always an interesting read.
Just post these half-baked articles, I'm sure you're just being over-cautious about it. They don't have to be amazing masterpieces of literature, at its basest level, a blog is simply a diary, so try to be as free as possible. The more you post, the better you get. Everyone starts out with rather cliche ideas and subjects of writing but things develop over time as you find your own style and audience.