I've decided to move my blog since the last site-host sucked.
CitizenGeek said:Hey, I don't mean any disrespect to Doberman Pharoh (I do actually quite like his sweets review blog) but I don't think it should really be included in the Nakama. It's about sweets afterall, and this is an anime site. It just doesn't seem right, really. Just a suggestion, though ^_^
Maxon said:I've decided to move my blog since the last site-host sucked.
Paul said:CitizenGeek said:Hey, I don't mean any disrespect to Doberman Pharoh (I do actually quite like his sweets review blog) but I don't think it should really be included in the Nakama. It's about sweets afterall, and this is an anime site. It just doesn't seem right, really. Just a suggestion, though ^_^
I know what you mean but I suppose I set this up as a community project rather than just a purely anime/manga related aggregator. That way, we include everyone with a forum account. It is pretty random, but it's also nice change of pace![]()
It's more fun (and easier) if you just write it for yourself. If you try too hard to write for others, it's probably even harder to get noticed.Jayme said:I've recently noticed WordPress. Signed Up. Nothing more
The thing putting off blogging at the moment is the quality of everyones else's (at whatever they have to offer) is of a very high standard. I just think I need to have something more interesting to say. :X
Blogging about Japan in general seems more appealing to me, Manga/Jrock/Anime/Games. YAY.
I'll have to think about this.
I've never been to wordpress, and since I've already set this new one up, I'm not changing for a while.Paul said:OK, updated. As an aside, I'm surprised so many people go for blogspot when Word Press is such a better system, especially for comments.
I actually started mine just before the idea was brought up. Yeah, I'm on the defensive.Paul said:I've noticed since the initial fad of starting up a blog, many of you suckers haven't even made one post... Come on guys, lets see what you have to say!![]()
Paul said:I've noticed since the initial fad of starting up a blog, many of you suckers haven't even made one post... Come on guys, lets see what you have to say!![]()
Kind of what I wanted to say, heh. Oh and if some retard tries to antagonise you, like what happened when Paul linked to my blog, then just ignore them.Paul said:Well, reading the responses above, the general theme seems to be that you're all struggling to come up with the "perfect idea"? It doesn't really work like that - no matter what you are talking about, no one blog is the same because your opinion is unique. Blogging is supposed to be impulsive, you don't have to be original to attract readers. The only requirement, even if it seems like you're wasting your time, is be opinionated. It helps if you are coherent too! I suggest you all make few posts, at least that way you'll know whether or not you enjoy what you're writing.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is just do it, even if you have reservations, just do it anyway![]()
Paul said:OK Nemphtis, you're now on the list![]()
Arbalest said:Its good to see the Nakama Britannica blog portal going well, it would be great if more could join as well. I really need to get my head down and post a few of my half-done half not so sure posts, even if they do turn out to be crap.