Bloggers of AUKN - attention: because I have an idea! :)

Brilliant stuff, i've finally setup my blog to make it look half decent. now all i need to do is make my first post :D
You're on the list now Arbalest, same with Nyu, just waiting for you guys to make your first posts really!

Still need a catchy name for this, really. Anything involving the word "Nakama" keep popping into my mind, any other suggestions?
Paul said:
You're on the list now Arbalest, same with Nyu, just waiting for you guys to make your first posts really!

Still need a catchy name for this, really. Anything involving the word "Nakama" keep popping into my mind, any other suggestions?

Thanks Paul, been writing up my first post and looking at what i can do for my first article today so you should see something soon :).

Also i'm having real trouble implimenting a randomized banner with Wordpress, can anyone lend a hand?
Added you to the list just now, Ryo Chan.

Also, a word of warning to those who have recently or just in the last couple of days started their blogs; blogging is hard work if you want to make an impact. I've been at it for over a year, and it's all about offering something interesting and opinionated. Don't be downhearted if you go two or three months with little to no recognition, if you maintain a consistent amount of updates, you'll gradually attract a good number of regulars - it just takes time.
Nyu said:
Also i'm having real trouble implimenting a randomized banner with Wordpress, can anyone lend a hand?
Try looking at this bit of the Wordpress knowledge base - it's something I've been thinking of doing for a while now but, true to form, never found the time yet!
Paul said:
Added you to the list just now, Ryo Chan.

Also, a word of warning to those who have recently or just in the last couple of days started their blogs; blogging is hard work if you want to make an impact. I've been at it for over a year, and it's all about offering something interesting and opinionated. Don't be downhearted if you go two or three months with little to no recognition, if you maintain a consistent amount of updates, you'll gradually attract a good number of regulars - it just takes time.

yeah thanks, i'm thinking trying to get a decent enough first post is hard enough, after that maybe things will flow a bit more easily for me.
It is an uphill struggle to make your mark (I must admit favouring Mushishi over Haruhi probably didn't win me many friends) but back in the old days Mangaminx warned me that blogging's addictive...I didn't now what she meant by that until it was too late!
For now, I've come up with the name "Nakama Britannica". For those who don't know, "Nakama" in Japanese is "comrade" or "friends with a spiritual bond", the Britannica part is obvious :)
Paul said:
Added you to the list just now, Ryo Chan.

Also, a word of warning to those who have recently or just in the last couple of days started their blogs; blogging is hard work if you want to make an impact. I've been at it for over a year, and it's all about offering something interesting and opinionated. Don't be downhearted if you go two or three months with little to no recognition, if you maintain a consistent amount of updates, you'll gradually attract a good number of regulars - it just takes time.

I think i've found my niche that many people tend to overlook when it comes to anime, i'll get my first post up tonight explaining it all.

Martin said:
Nyu said:
Also i'm having real trouble implimenting a randomized banner with Wordpress, can anyone lend a hand?
Try looking at this bit of the Wordpress knowledge base - it's something I've been thinking of doing for a while now but, true to form, never found the time yet!

I installed the Wordpress Randomize plugin seen here and i've got it installed fine. It's just that it tells me to edit a line of code in the header.php file but when i goto the header.php file there is no line of code there that relates to the header image itself.
Paul said:
For now, I've come up with the name "Nakama Britannica". For those who don't know, "Nakama" in Japanese is "comrade" or "friends with a spiritual bond", the Britannica part is obvious :)

sound a little russian to me :D
Nyu said:
I installed the Wordpress Randomize plugin seen here and i've got it installed fine. It's just that it tells me to edit a line of code in the header.php file but when i goto the header.php file there is no line of code there that relates to the header image itself.
If you want to post or PM me the url of your blog I can have a look at the source code and try to help if you want - I could go off-topic for ages about tweaking Wordpress! At a guess, the randomise feature will go in the background image part of the header in your CSS but I'll have to look at the code to be sure.
Martin said:
Nyu said:
I installed the Wordpress Randomize plugin seen here and i've got it installed fine. It's just that it tells me to edit a line of code in the header.php file but when i goto the header.php file there is no line of code there that relates to the header image itself.
If you want to post or PM me the url of your blog I can have a look at the source code and try to help if you want - I could go off-topic for ages about tweaking Wordpress! At a guess, the randomise feature will go in the background image part of the header in your CSS but I'll have to look at the code to be sure.

I've sent you a little PM Martin. Also how long does it take for an item to go into the RSS feed?
Nyu said:
Martin said:
Nyu said:
I installed the Wordpress Randomize plugin seen here and i've got it installed fine. It's just that it tells me to edit a line of code in the header.php file but when i goto the header.php file there is no line of code there that relates to the header image itself.
If you want to post or PM me the url of your blog I can have a look at the source code and try to help if you want - I could go off-topic for ages about tweaking Wordpress! At a guess, the randomise feature will go in the background image part of the header in your CSS but I'll have to look at the code to be sure.

I've sent you a little PM Martin. Also how long does it take for an item to go into the RSS feed?

From what i have seen, it updates every hour.