Bloggers of AUKN - attention: because I have an idea! :)


Ghost of Animes
So then, everyone. Or rather, all of you bloggers out there. I've always had it in the back of head to somehow spotlight our blogging activities outside of this community and just half an hour ago, I realized that I could quickly develop a kind of AUKN bloggers "aggregator" to collect all of our latest posts and spotlight them all in the same place. I'm planning to whip this up tonight; think Anime World News, but purely powered by the efforts of this community.

So far, I'm aware of the following blogs authored by our members:

Doberman Pharaoh:

Anyone I've missed off that list? Your blog perhaps? Post the URL below and I'll try to include it on the list! I might also be able to include Livejournals, facebook and myspace blogs. The only common theme is that we're a part of Anime UK News, that's it.

Note: This will also be a nice place for us to debut our new mascot :)
Just started this yesterday, with no content what-so-ever. But i need to finish my theme for it, i have the files but need to work out how to do it. Any advice Paul since you made your own? it's for wordpress.
Sounds like a good idea to me. I'm gonna have to pimp up my blog pretty soon though. I keep meaning to do it but putting it on the backburner. :X

It's going to take shape at the URL above. I'm coding the functionality right now, so it'll look a little rough and there may be a few errors, but you can see the general theme of the idea. I've stuck in a few peoples deviant art galleries too :)

Also, all of the "items" are sorted by the date at which we collected them, hence everything appearing under "22:47 GMT" for now. Once we start to collect new content naturally, they'll appear in an order sorted by date added (so new content will always appear at the top of the page).
And again, if I've missed any blogs or whatever else, please let me know and I'll add you! :) So far I've got:

Bateszi Anime Blog,, deviantART: by:chaz-anime, deviantART: by:kyokohunter, deviantART: by:eek:utlawstar8489, deviantART: by:sachiko-san, deviantART: by:trashbat, deviantART: by:zentron, Impenetrable Randomness, Sonia's Journal: art ~ life ~ fashion ^o^ CUTENESS INCARNATE, Sy's Badly Drawn Blog, The Chocolate Review, The End of the World, The Fortune
I can safely say this is an even better idea than reviving the public profiles! With so many of us blogging these days and 'what I'm watching' types of recommendations threads being posted in an ordinary, disorganised way on the forums, an aggregator is a fantastic idea.

It gets my vote. Good work sir. :D
On the public profile thing, maybe there's a way to incorporate this into that. Being able to select the blogs you want to keep updates on.
Cheers Martin... It's amazing what someone can do in an evening! :)

With regards to the public profile, perhaps. I've basically gone for a quick and clean development here, and for it to fit into the profiles, I'll have to script some proper structure in terms of how I'm pulling feeds etc.

Anyway, the layout is starting to take shape too. All I need to do is create an RSS feed and you guys will be able to get these updates on your desktop! :)
Right then, I think I'm about done for tonight :)

Check it out here:
Combined RSS feed:

A few things I'm planning to do...

Use our new mascot in a banner. Try to combine these updates with the forum, perhaps display the headlines on the forum index (add some kind of update bar along the top or whatever).

Also, we need to come up with a catchy name for this. "Blogs @ Anime UK News", while descriptive, doesn't sound very exciting. We need some kind of memorable word that people can just throw into a conversation! :)
Deviantart isn't technically blogging but I'm more than happy for it to be included, thanks!

Mufflepuff is my favourite memorable word, but I don't think it's applicable here...
Okay, quite a bit more has been changed... Including the addition of Minako, I'm displaying your related forum usernames and for the 3 most recent entries, your avatars too. This way, we know who is who around here :)