It won't be RS remakes. This is what I said about it on ANN:
f Ruby/Sapphire remakes are to happen at all, they will be during 2015 at the earliest. Simple matter of fact is, Generation V is over. Genesect was revealed and distributed in Japan last August, with an international release in October and it's also going to be distributed again in Japan in January. So are we really supposed to believe that Genesect is the main thing about the "ExtremeSpeed Genesect" movie? Of course it isn't!
Then we have the extremely accelerated release of Mythical Pokémon we saw in 2012 compared to the really slow way Generation V started with Victini being revealed in 2010, yet being the only Mythical star of 2011's movie. I imagine that when GameFreak were planning this generation, they did intend for it to be 4 years long (after all, they made four Mythical Pokémon). However, when you read the Iwata Asks about Black 2/White 2, it was subtle but also clear that Satoru Iwata was not happy that GameFreak were staying with the DS for Black 2/White 2. So I imagine he was very firm with them that that would be their last DS game. That means any plan for a game between B2W2 and Gen VI had to be scrapped (as GameFreak save new consoles for new generations).
Then there's the fact that The Pokémon Company were one of the first companies to receive a 3DS development kit, back in February 2010. GameFreak have also recently released "Rhythm Hunter HarmoKnight" as an eShop title in Japan, so they are obviously playing around with the 3DS.
Then, we have Junichi Masuda's comments about the franchise "evolving" in 2013. Now, how would the franchise "evolve" by going back and remaking an old game? It wouldn't.
And look at the anime. The Unova league is finished. What will it do after N episode if we don't have a new region to explore? Go back to Hoenn? Why?
Now, why am I specific when I say 2015? Well, there is usually an extra year between a primary pair and the next games in a generation (Gold/Silver-Crystal were an exception as there was only a year gap:
Red/Blue (1996) -> Yellow (1998)
Ruby/Sapphire (2002) - FR/LG (2004)
Diamond/Pearl (2006) - Platinum (2008)
Black/White (2010) - Black 2/White 2 (2012).
But, the next game could always be a third version right? Well, it might be, but it might not. After all, third versions (and sequels - thanks B2W2) have been going on a four year cycle since Crystal:
Crystal (2000) - Emerald (2004) - Platinum (2008) - Black 2/White 2 (2012).
If you wanted to be picky, you could count the minor revision of the Japanese Blue as a third version and that would fit this too, but that would mean the above example wouldn't count unless you considered RGB a trio (which to be fair, they are essentially the same games).
So that makes me think:
2012: Black 2/White 2
2013: Gen VI Primary Pair
2015: RS Remakes (If we receive them at all).
2016: Gen VI Third Version/Sequel/WhateverGFThrowAtUs