Big Pokèmon announcement now international

The legendary Pokémon have now been named: Xerneas (pronounced Zurr-nee-as) and Yveltal (pronounced ee-Vel-tall).

Personally, I like the name "Axis Generation" (as a possible third version called Z could reference the XYZ axis), but Bulbapedia says no because someone might accidentally link it to the Axis Powers. Oh well, I can call it what I want and I'm calling it Susan.
Just watched the trailer and it looks pretty amazing (also the Pikachu intro was cute!!). I don't see myself ever not loving Pokemon. I'm another person that's going to be saving for a 3DS for this. Had a discussion with quite a few people in my college class about the game, nice to see the love is still going strong!
Is it October yet? :(
CoroCoro has leaked with the official artwork for Xerneas and Yveltol:
