Beez UK Anime Legends

That is so about time. And £16.99 makes sense, as they have to compete with PlayUSA which lets you import some of the US Anime Legends stock at £17.99, which is what I got Wolf's Rain R1 for earlier this year.
Beez are now my No. 1 UK releasing company. This is exactly the way it should be done - High quality singles for the collector's market, budget sets for the less hardcore fans.

I can't help but think that seems a bit too cheap for Wolf's Rain, not that I'm complaining. I have my Book of the Moon set which I'm very happy with.

Also, if that cover art is anywhere near accurate it pisses all over the awful R1 Anime Legends covers. I guess at that price, it's too much to hope they won't be plastic bricks though.
I already own both shows but that's a nice release format. I'm liking Beez's experimenting and hope the market will support these cheap sets to encourage more!

£16.99 for the entirety of Wolf's Rain? I'm sold. I've been trying to pick that up for ages, but all box sets always seemed too pricy, now though i will be able to. Also just goes to show Beez have been listening too, but as ayase said, the artwork for that is better than the R1 sets, so its even better. Hopefully more titles will appear soon enough too.
Huh... I was wondering if Beez would give the Anime Legends style of releasing a try. Nice and cheap too. Only problem now is that there is currently NOTHING in the (to be honest, rather small) Beez catalogue that I am particularly interested in buying...
Honestly, I thought the Beez version of Bandai's Anime Legends releases would cost like £30; half of what it'd cost to buy both half season sets and double what you can get the R1 sets for.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about Wolf's Rain yet, though. In America, Wolf's Rain first got two half season AL sets, only fairly recently getting a full cheapo collection released.

I don't care about either title, in any event. I paid £18 for my R1 Wolf's Rain set, and I own SEED already. I can't think of any Beez re-releases I'd want, actually...
Oh, and importing from PlayUSA is difficult now: they've put up all their prices by £1. That means Wolf's Rain is £18.99, Mushishi £18.99, Berserk £18.99, Baccono(sp?) £18.99, etc. If you didn't pre-order when I linked to the deals in the past, you're too late - you'll have to pay £20+ instead.
I'll most definitely be buying the Wolf's Rain season set, it's something I've wanted to watch at least once but haven't got around to as of yet.
I won't be getting either of these but I will be keeping my eye out for future releases. That sort of price makes them good presents for some of my friends that are not really anime fans, but that have watched and enjoyed some shows. I just hope this works and some of the other UK companies take note.
Well, those prices are a nice surprise. I've been meaning to buy Wolf's Rain for a while but never got around to it, so I'll certainly be purchasing Beez's release. Might be tempted to get Seed as well.

As for packaging, I'd expect a multi-disc keepcase. Anything more would be a bonus.
Amazing. This is fantastic news, Beez are really moving in the right direction. I'll be picking up both. I'm more than happy to double dip with series' that I have picked up on R1 aswell, purely to support this type of release model. I hope they keep it up, but most of all I hope people support this, because it could lead to great times for Anime fans.
Ooh... those Eureka 7 sets are going to be a bit of a kick in the teeth to some I imagine. However from my POV, consider them ordered.