Beez UK Anime Legends

megagold5 said:
Dracos said:
megagold5 said:
It's probably just the poor picture quality, but something about those Legends boxes make me think early DVD cases from like 2000 odd... That '7' logo (whoever that is) looks like its from the 70's and all, if I didn't know better, seeing a logo like that would immediately make me think it is some REALLY old cartoon that was shown at rediculously early o'clock on terrestrial TV...

Actually the 7 logo is our French Distributor's as those covers I showed were the FR versions (same artwork but with their logo on it too) :). Usually we remove it from the UK cover :).

- Andrew
The silver line im not a fan off just puts me off. Is there no way just make a small logo that could sppear next to the beez logo?

I have the US AL set of Outlaw star and the case is just ugly. so hoping these sets are an improvement.

I'll still probably buy these sets just the silver logo is a bit off putting.
We do have to keep in mind that those are Beta covers and they could change into all singing all danceing Holo-cover two vaeriant covers in the space of the year for all we know.
I haven't bought an anime DVD in close to a year, but if Beez keep flinging out Gundam stuff at prices like this, I'll buy ANY of it. :)
beez_andrew said:
megagold5 said:
It's probably just the poor picture quality, but something about those Legends boxes make me think early DVD cases from like 2000 odd... That '7' logo (whoever that is) looks like its from the 70's and all, if I didn't know better, seeing a logo like that would immediately make me think it is some REALLY old cartoon that was shown at rediculously early o'clock on terrestrial TV...

Actually the 7 logo is our French Distributor's as those covers I showed were the FR versions (same artwork but with their logo on it too) :). Usually we remove it from the UK cover :).

- Andrew

Good good. I guess we would get the lace one, which isn't so bad.

But still, tell them to update it or get a new one or sumin. It just screams old tat... >.>
Aion said:
It'd be sweet if you released both .hack//SIGN and Wolf's Rain cheapo sets. .hack//SIGN has the best of Kajiura (the best anime composer), while Wolf's Rain has the best of Yoko Kanno (her best, and she isn't far behind). They're worth owning for the music alone.
I have seen (and bought) both .hack//SIGN sets at £13 each from HMV, I think the one by Bond Street Station still has one of them for £13 for the first person that wants it. The PAL SIGN disks do seem to have some flickering in the ED though, probably something in the NTSC->PAL transfer (or HD->PAL transfer?).
Comparing the boxes with the Japanese release, they seem to have every piece of art from either the Japanese singles or the Japanese boxset represented on them somewhere, although the episodes listed around each disk could have actually been the ones on that disk, rather than a random listing as it seems there are, with doubles and unrepresented episodes.
It's fairly obvious the numbers on the spines are referring to the DVD totals when the numbers are directly above 'DVD'. :|

And you guys shouldn't complain when you're getting 31 episodes (iirc) for £15, or 50 for £30. As long as the DVDs come in box(es), with a decent cover, there's nothing to complain about. Budget re-releases are never going to be lookers.

Older Bandai releases do tend to be flickery. Scrapped Princess is awful, Cowboy Bebop is pretty bad and the same is probably true of most others.
Conan-san said:
We do have to keep in mind that those are Beta covers and they could change into all singing all danceing Holo-cover two vaeriant covers in the space of the year for all we know.

You create a beta cover in the first place to get people reaction to them, to get the best possible cover and so best market potential. I personally don't care what the covers look like as I will be still buying them, but if they want this to be successful release especially to catch people eye on the high street they need more eye catching covers. The current cover just seem too much like old VHS covers to me.
But that is just a cartoon character. I haven't looked at any of my dvd cases, and the case never dictated what I wanted, it was always the price tag.
Well obviously, but it's not something I get massively over excited about. I'm not going to wander into my local HMV and pick up a DVD and go "Oh my! That picture is absolutely ghastly. I will not buy this even though it could well be a fantastic series." I don't work like that. In picture form, the character(s) can look like anything I'm not going to take much notice. What is important to me is the content, the anime itself! Well this is my own personal take on the matter.
I dunno. Have you seen Japanese cover art? It makes Naruto and Gintama look couture. Beez often use original cover art, though, so I'm not totally sure where this is coming from. It's not eye-catching, but the covers are better than what most are doing.
Finally, Beez Entertainment has plans to release Code Geass Season 2 and Gundam 00 Season 2 next year, as well as a new line called Anime Legends, a label dedicated to resurrecting older titles for UK fans, some of which have never had a release in this country before!

Taken from Neo. It looks like suspicions that the few surprises comment was indeed perhaps alluding to titles not released in the UK before.