I found this:
Videos must be classified by designated authority.
President and Vice Presidents of the BBFC designated by Home Secretary in 1985.
The test of 'suitability for viewing in the home'.
Criminal Justice & Public Order Amendment to the Video Recordings Act 1994
This requires that the Board pays special regard to:
- harm to potential viewers (including potential underage viewers).
- harm to society through viewer's behaviour
- the treatment of:
- criminal behaviour
- illegal drugs
- violent behaviour and incidents
- horrific behaviour or incidents
- human sexual activities
Well, that seems a bit vague doesn't it? But i don't see why everything isn't censored, because the things listed above appear in a lot of things...
Also, i have to say that surely this law can be ammended, because IT'S 22 YEARS OLD FOR GOD'S SAKE! Time have changed and something can be done, oh, and did i mention it was made by Margret Thatcher lol :-D
EDIT: Also, it appears that this whole act was because in 1982/3 there was some big uproar thing about 'video nasties', this really doesn't make sense to me as a lot of other things in this could be classified as the things above..
I found this as well (which is an ammendment to the first act):
Part VII handled 'Obscenity and Pornography', banning imitation child pornography, harshening provisions dealing with the censorship and age restriction of videos
This must be the child hanging herself thing...
All in all, i think it could be time for another ammendment