BBFC edit Paranoia Agent Volume 3

Same. I'm all for buying local, but that's largely for the convenience (especially since it can get difficult to share anime amongst freinds who don't have multi-region players). It's even more surprising when I think that the UK has usually been quite lenient on things like this relative the the US, at least as far as my memory server. Evil Dead may have been filmed in the US, but it was first released on video in the UK because of all the hype about "video nasties". Strange.
I'll just get the US release then....

It's a shame because this was one of the series I was actually not importing. I have the box and everything. :(
Ramen89 said:
Ouch, no wonder no one has bothered to release Narutaru over here yet.
:lol: They would cut the whole last disc of that over here without a doubt.

It's a shame that they did this. I'll still get the DVD since it is the moral thing to do, being a fan of the series and all but I will probably dig out my fansubs of that episode and watch that.
GrantM said:
Ramen89 said:
Ouch, no wonder no one has bothered to release Narutaru over here yet.

Why do you say that?
I presume you haven't seen it since I doubt you would be asking if you had.

Suffice to say, torture and bullying of the very worst form you could ever imagine. A highly suicidal girl who takes a knife to her wrists on more than one occasion... I don't think I need to go on.
Hanging scenes seem to be in the class of problematic material. Some years back when C4 broadcast Pasolini's film The Gospel According to St Matthew for Easter they had to, or felt they had to, cut or edit the scene of of Judas hanging himself. Given that there has to be a line drawn between what is and is not acceptable material there are going to inconsistencies when you get close to or on that line.
I presume you haven't seen it since I doubt you would be asking if you had.

Suffice to say, torture and bullying of the very worst form you could ever imagine. A highly suicidal girl who takes a knife to her wrists on more than one occasion... I don't think I need to go on.

Spot on!
DaNiMé said:
I honestly think that it will take more than one person to be honest, so if everyone can send an e-mail, at least it's a start, even if it's for a cause that's virtually impossible to change, it's still worth a go :D
I sent an e-mail to them as well earlier today. I doubt they'll change their minds, but hopefully someone will get a response.
This sucks, as weve been waiting ages for vol 3. This must also be the reason why MVM wernt at Memorabilia last week.

It looks like ill have to download a fansub version to see the whole eopisode :cry:
Having seen this episode of Paranoia Agent (the check discs were sent to us in January, uncut), I'm quite shocked that it was cut. It pokes at a few "uncomfortable" issues concerning the internet and could be seen in some parts as willingly going along with the suidcide of a young girl, but not as if it is a snuff movie- rather, it is just a black comedy with a very realistic setting.

It's pretty sad that the BBFC have decided to censor yet another anime, perhaps on the basis that no matter what the certificate they award it, more kids are bound to watch it due to it being animation.
<sigh> This seems a bit pathetic, considering stuff that does get through. I'm even a little surprised that it's getting an 18 rating. Also, considering this is Satashi Kon's work, cutting out even as little (or as much) as a minute could mean missing something significant.
Not that I won't buy the DVD of course - I've got the artbox and all - but there's a good chance I'll dig up the fansub for that ep to see what's missing.
Hmm, an issue I actually feel VERY strongly about, sadly in a bad way.

The reasoning behind this is pathetic, and it's a real shame that we're not going to see the show as it's creators intended. The whole thing smacks of hipocrasy to me, especially considering what else gets through without this sort of treatment. I can only hope it doesn't affect the flow and meaning of the story.

Of course, the law is on the BBFC's side no matter how we protest. I believe it was Dickens who was quoted as saying "The law is an ass."...
The whole 'anime is just cartoons for kids' thing just refuses to die, doesn't it? This strikes me as more of a political 'won't someone think of the children' move than any real censorship. As has been said, worse has been let through before. Had this been live-action, I'm pretty sure this would have escaped the axe.

That said, the fact that it involves an attempted child suicide does go some way towards explaining things. It seems that anything involving harm towards children is very much a taboo these days, and it's a sad state of affairs if no-one is willing to look beyond the scene at the message behind it. The best part is that we had to read a book in English class that involved something similar. Surely if we can be taught this stuff in schools, we're intelligent enough to not want to run out and do the same thing, just cos we saw it on TV.
Sir Haggis said:
The whole 'anime is just cartoons for kids' thing just refuses to die, doesn't it? This strikes me as more of a political 'won't someone think of the children' move than any real censorship. As has been said, worse has been let through before. Had this been live-action, I'm pretty sure this would have escaped the axe.

That said, the fact that it involves an attempted child suicide does go some way towards explaining things. It seems that anything involving harm towards children is very much a taboo these days, and it's a sad state of affairs if no-one is willing to look beyond the scene at the message behind it. The best part is that we had to read a book in English class that involved something similar. Surely if we can be taught this stuff in schools, we're intelligent enough to not want to run out and do the same thing, just cos we saw it on TV.
I think, from what I can gather from others posts, that the true problem is not to do with it being an animation but rather that it seems to treat it in a lighthearted manner or at least not with the due amount of gravity it is worth. Of course without seeing the scene myself I can't say whether that is a fair assessment but they (the BBFC) are more likely to err on the side of caution with regards to such a touchy subject.
Though it sucks that they're doing this, I get the impression that some people are jumping at the first opportunity to get away with not paying for something under the pretence of a "protest". Not buying the 3rd volume will only hurt MVM, not the BBFC who are responsible. By all means, download the fansub, but please do so after buying the DVD which still has 70.60 Minutes of footage that you should pay for. :p

I'm not too fazed to be honest. Taking 1.2 Kilos out of a 72 kilogramme Solid Gold bar doesn't make me lose sight of the fight that, holy **** it's solid goddamned gold!

The Glass is half full and there is no spoon. :wink:
neptune2venus said:
it was actually quite gritty and nearly put me off my lunch!
Most Daytime TV does that. Richard and Judy a case in point.
Couldn't they include the cut footage as bonus DVD material? That way they could provide an adequate warning before it plays.
Jetsam said:
Couldn't they include the cut footage as bonus DVD material? That way they could provide an adequate warning before it plays.

If the BBFC say the DVD can't have the footage, including at as a DVD extra with a warning will still mean they won't let in on the disc. They have deemed the scene in question as something that just can't be shown, so only if/when the law is changed will an uncut Paranoia Agent turn up here.