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Thanks for everyones replies, I'm really glad it looks ok now, I'm a total perfectionist so I probably never would have rested otherwise!

I'm also glad i didn't spend a day teaching myself how to do transparent backgrounds for no reason :) .
MomoPlum said:
Thanks for everyones replies, I'm really glad it looks ok now, I'm a total perfectionist so I probably never would have rested otherwise!

I'm also glad i didn't spend a day teaching myself how to do transparent backgrounds for no reason :) .


What software are you using again? I forgot and can't be bothered to look around for it sorry :lol:
Oops, above post by MomoPlum is actually me, it was still logged in on my sisters account and i didn't realise :oops: .

Spyro201 said:
What software are you using again? I forgot and can't be bothered to look around for it sorry :lol:

I use GIMP. I have no idea how it compares to a professional programs like Photoshop, but it's pretty decent freeware.