Any Artists amoung us?

What I also find hard to do is draw people together, like holding hands, cuddleing, kissing or even just walking side by side,my characters stand alone.
In that case, the How to Draw Manga Couples book would be a good one to get, it starts with the basics and then moves onto a section entitled "From Dating to Making Love" (it's actually less dodgy than it sounds) which covers holding hands, cuddling, kissing and lying in bed together. I've found it to be a great help, one of the most important tips the book gives you is to make sure that when you draw two people they aren't the same height or one will dominate the other. (no, I don't get a commission for plugging these books, it's just that they've helped me a lot and I still haven't fully absorbed everything they have to say/show).
I think i might consider getting it too.
Thats another one of my dreams, to be a manga-ka, but because i'm not japanese and because i know myself that i only really like japanese manga i thought it was a bit of a stupid dream.

I think i've heard of Dragon Heir before, but i always thought it was japanese, from the cover it looks lovely. I really want to go to the MCM so i can see the sweatdrop studios workshop
i myself am good at drawing....but the last time i did do any drawings was like 6 years ago.....i had like 300 images then....can't find them now...i have drew a few times in recent days, but there not great. i never did have much of a creative side so i wouldn't say that i am that great.
Well, since I didn't notice this topic before (for some reason) I'll go ahead and post my DA gallery here...

(Note: this should be listed as Oldest first, you if you wanna see my newer stuff, you need to change browser settings :) )

After this, I'll start posting in my own topic. Hope you have a look 8)
I draw manga-styled images for my D&D and other RPG characters... By the other ways I write something, can I be considered an Artist? :p