AnimeCentral; a new anime TV channel coming to the UK?

Jayme said:
J_C_X said:
DaNiMe-sama said:
Lupus Inu said:
I don't see why everyone is all pissed if Anime Central is gonna be on POP Girl... I wouldn't be all that assed about it tbh.

I don't see how it could be. They're two different channels even when searching for the test channels... If it were on Popgirl, the title of the channel couldn't be changed to Anime Central either - I'm 100% sure it's a channel in its own right.

It time shares with POPGIRL, it will be on a different number though OFCOM rules prevent any inappropriate content on kids channel.

In my view OFCOM have damaged the childrens channel beyond repair with this stupid rule, Nick at Night and adult swim completely ****** in this country becuase of that.

How do Timeshares work now a days then? The last timeshare related thing I can remember is when Nickelodeon went of for Paramount or something. There were others I can't remember.
They have one video stream from the sattelite, which at 9pm and 6am switch between POP Girl and Anime Central. They have different numbers but both channels show the same video stream. Popgirl is encoded to be unviewable at 9pm-6am, and the oposite is true for AnimeCentral (if I have this right)
J_C_X said:
It time shares with POPGIRL, it will be on a different number though OFCOM rules prevent any inappropriate content on kids channel.

What does this "inappropriate content" actually mean... I know Anime Central is in testing phase at the moment, but what I saw was unedited anime; I'm pretty sure sword fighting/legs getting cut off/blood spraying everywhere is "inappropriate content" for a kids channel. How is this going to work then? Surely the "timeshare" doesn't make it so Anime Central has to be part of the kids section..
DaNiMe-sama said:
J_C_X said:
It time shares with POPGIRL, it will be on a different number though OFCOM rules prevent any inappropriate content on kids channel.

What does this "inappropriate content" actually mean... I know Anime Central is in testing phase at the moment, but what I saw was unedited anime; I'm pretty sure sword fighting/legs getting cut off/blood spraying everywhere is "inappropriate content" for a kids channel. How is this going to work then? Surely the "timeshare" doesn't make it so Anime Central has to be part of the kids section..

Anything with violence really, while FMA or Bleach might seem tame for whatever reason they are completely unacceptable for kids tv in the UK. Once again these rules are stupid you could broadcast these shows on say Sky 1 or MTV mid-afternoon uncut where children are most likely to find it, but you can't show them at anytime on Cartoon Network or Jetix even at midnight.

It's an open secret that these laws in the UK are unpopular with Viacom, Turner and Disney. Just look at the short aborted launch of Nick at Night in 1998 and adult swim in 2004.

Which makes these laws even more stupid is that they only apply to satellite digital specifically. It wouldn't actaully suprise me that this is some sort a racket from Sky.
J_C_X said:
Anything with violence really

Its more-so 'realistic violence' In my opinion. Not that Bleach/Naruto etc. Are exactly realistic. They are much more real than cartoons. A example being The Powerpuff Girls which has a hell of a lot of violence for a 'kids' show. There are many others, But they all seem to get under the radar.
Jayme said:
J_C_X said:
Anything with violence really

Its more-so 'realistic violence' In my opinion. Not that Bleach/Naruto etc. Are exactly realistic. They are much more real than cartoons. A example being The Powerpuff Girls which has a hell of a lot of violence for a 'kids' show. There are many others, But they all seem to get under the radar.

Yeah, but it's not exactly real I mean Law and Order and 24 go out on mid afternoon slots with far more realistic violence than FMA and Bleach.

An example would be the ideal viewer demograph with Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network all supposedly aim at the 8-16 years old but realisticly they aim far lower and are forced too due to stupid laws.
In terms of a timeshare between Pop Girl and Anime Central, basically they'd share the same transmitter, but the two would be given separate Sky number, however that works...
I seem to have a problem, i did what was said to tune it in but ever since i can't get it to transmit properly, the screen is all bits and peices and thats all i get and the same seems to go for Scuzz, Flaunt etc which hasn't happened before and they are done by the same people.
Can anyone help?
If the 199 thing is true then that's a great number.

Animecentral certainly sounds good enough hopefully with the upcoming Animax station this could lead to some growth in the industry.
Watching teh channel, I have to express my opinion. It is a pretty good channel, but I'm worried about the repeats.

If they gunning for once a week, then whats the rest of the week, repeats. And if not, then some Anime will end pretty quickly, and then get repeated (I don't mind one or two. But if loads, and thats annoying).

If Bleach were aired with... lets say three eps a week, then we would catch up to the americans, but next thing, its repeated from ep 1, which is bad...

But I won't mind about Bleach, cause if we are near the americans, then ANime central will likely have more anime to air, which put Bleach to the once a week slot >.>

that is my theorie of ANime Central going down the right path or the wrong.
I knew it was going to be somewhere there

If the 199 thing is true then that's a great number.

Animecentral certainly sounds good enough hopefully with the upcoming Animax station this could lead to some growth in the industry.

I hope it can competes with anime network head to head!
J_C_X said:
If the 199 thing is true then that's a great number.

Animecentral certainly sounds good enough hopefully with the upcoming Animax station this could lead to some growth in the industry.
I'd wish people would stop acting as if Sony would ever do us anything that even halfway constiutes a favor.
shh227 said:
I knew it was going to be somewhere there

If the 199 thing is true then that's a great number.

Animecentral certainly sounds good enough hopefully with the upcoming Animax station this could lead to some growth in the industry.

I hope it can competes with anime network head to head!
All they have to do is switch on the subs for the signs and open and closing song lyrics and they're the winners over AN already. :wink:
Conan-san said:
J_C_X said:
If the 199 thing is true then that's a great number.

Animecentral certainly sounds good enough hopefully with the upcoming Animax station this could lead to some growth in the industry.
I'd wish people would stop acting as if Sony would ever do us anything that even halfway constiutes a favor.

and i wish people weren't always so negative, but we can't always get what we want :wink:

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