Anime review websites


Completely Average High School Student
I just love them. Because a lot of the anime I enjoy is always written off as rubbish. Which means I have rubbish tastes. LOL.

I'll admit, the animation quality isn't a big deal to me unless it's beyond dreadful. I guess I'm not hardcore?
I don't even believe there's a critical consensus within the anime fandom. People literally like what they like and stick to do and as for myself? I have no idea really, I look at blogs and see what people who have similar tastes to I have and go from there.

Give us an example of your rubbish shows? I bet a few around here watch 'em.
Asu no Yoichi was panned by a few reviewers.
I absolutely loved Vandread!
And I even really liked the Da Capo series'. One review used a fairly predictable 'r' in the title of the review......
Plenty of people 'round these parts have awful taste--just have a peek into the character battle threads--so you'll fit right in ;)

Being semi-serious for a moment, I appreciate that there are sites which cast a more critical eye on the anime they review. But if you happen to like a show that ANN or wherever has torn into, then so what? You'll only have to put up with snidey comments from ********s like me forever more. No big deal.

And welcome to the forum!
Almost all media is good, it is just peoples' tastes that differ. I just wish more people realised that just because they do not like something, it does not mean that thing is rubbish.
Mutsumi said:
Almost all media is good, it is just peoples' tastes that differ. I just wish more people realised that just because they do not like something, it does not mean that thing is rubbish.
unless of course that the thing in question is agreed by everyone in the world that it's rubbish of course :wink:
Yeah - a lot of times, personal taste comes into play. I've seen shows that were 'critically acclaimed' - whatever *that* means - and I loathed them with a passion.

Like my ol' pappy used ta say, 'Heck - SOMEBODY'S gotta be watchin' those Steven Seagal movies. He makes enough of 'em!'

Actually, he said that last week.
Steven Seagal is awesome. This is a scientifically proven fact.

Ultimately, though, I'm more inclined towards Sturgeon's Law than Mutsumi's "everything's great" stance.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Steven Seagal is awesome. This is a scientifically proven fact.

Ultimately, though, I'm more inclined towards Sturgeon's Law than Mutsumi's "everything's great" stance.

Experience with an open and positive mind, and ye shall enjoy. Try to enjoy it and you will. Whether something is high quality or not matters little, so long as you've the state of mind to be able to be happy with it as it is.
Suggesting 'almost everything is good' strikes me as rather wishful thinking, but I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying a series or a film, even when you know it's bad.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Steven Seagal is awesome. This is a scientifically proven fact.

Yes. It was proved by Steven Seagal himself. He's a qualified analyst and researcher himself, don't y'know.

Well, no. He's not. But he kicked all the analysts and researchers into next week, so who's gonna argue.

I predict he'll be the next Doctor Who.
Oh, invaluable! The review sites are the only places I can get to know about an anime to see which titles would suit my fantasy collection. I think THEM and AnimeNfo are the best sites, they give a synopsis, which is really useful.
Professor Irony said:
Suggesting 'almost everything is good' strikes me as rather wishful thinking, but I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying a series or a film, even when you know it's bad.

Everything can be 'good' or 'bad'. It simply depends on what you are judging it to be 'good' or 'bad' at. Some things you might say are "so bad that they are good", for instance.

Everything can be enjoyed, but with some things, it is a little easier.
cercia said:
Oh, invaluable! The review sites are the only places I can get to know about an anime to see which titles would suit my fantasy collection. I think THEM and AnimeNfo are the best sites, they give a synopsis, which is really useful.

As one of this site's reviewers, I'm curious to know - what sort of information do you look for in a review of an OVA or series you haven't yet seen?
HdE said:
cercia said:
Oh, invaluable! The review sites are the only places I can get to know about an anime to see which titles would suit my fantasy collection. I think THEM and AnimeNfo are the best sites, they give a synopsis, which is really useful.

As one of this site's reviewers, I'm curious to know - what sort of information do you look for in a review of an OVA or series you haven't yet seen?

I usually just read a few reviews by the same person. If I find I generally agree with their tastes, I watch what they've reviewed. If I disagree, I look for any anime's they've disliked.....I'm a bit contrary like that anyway though....
In all honesty, I don't think that's a bad way to go about things. A review is, after all, just one person's opinions based on their personal tastes and preferences.

I'm just wondering if there's any specific sort of info that you'd like to see in the reviews. If folks like myself know what it is you want to see, we can bear it in mind when we write the reviews. Or I can, at least. :wink: