Anime On-Line Statement on Credit/Debit Card Fraud

Wow, I'm hearing the exact same stories as myself. Last weekend, my card was frozen due to someone trying to order jewellery of the amount of about £2500 & also an O2 pay as you go transaction. Never happened before and I don't think it's coincidence. Crazy stuff, it shook up my wife as we have a joint account.
Lawrence said:
Is it wrong to still desire a copy of Shana after all that is happened? I mean, £10 is a good deal but do they really deserve my money?

No it's not wrong
No they probably don't deserve your money
But on balance it's only a tenner, so while they might not deserve it, at least they didn't make as much profit as they might of done and you still get your Shana.
I gotta say, I REALLY like MVM as an anime distributor - but I'm not AT ALL impressed with the way they've handled this.

To be honest, I feel like I need to take part of the blame for getting stung, because something about their retail / registration proceedure seemed iffy, and I went along with it regardless. Lesson learned there.

Good that MVM are addressing this now - but they really should have had it in hand a LONG time ago.

Some sort of gesture to all of us who have been inconvenienced by this would go a long way - even if it's just an apology.
Just Passing Through said:
Lawrence said:
Is it wrong to still desire a copy of Shana after all that is happened? I mean, £10 is a good deal but do they really deserve my money?
Write a cheque.
A bouncy cheque!

I highly doubt MVM make any profit on their £10 "deal of the week" sets. In fact they probably lose money. After VAT and a couple of quid for P&P, plus credit card and now Paypal fees, there's not much of even that tenner left. Those deals are loss leaders intended to get people on the site and buying other stuff.

Disclaimer: I do not endorse the writing of bouncy cheques
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reborn said:
Been following o2fraud on Twitter and a SammyB_C got an email off MVM.

Seems like a standard email they are sending out, as Chris Cox posted the same email on MVM's facebook page. Why couldn't they have posted that on their site? Though if you look at the wording they are still not admitting it was their system that was the source. My card was also hit last Saturday, (most trans stopped by the bank), and I did not know how my details were leaked until I read the stories on the animenewsnetwork site. Ridiculous that they couldn't just admit there was a problem, instead of days of rumours, and people having to find out through websites like this.
This isn't a new problem. I know somebody who had an absolutely brand new credit card. It had a unique number had had never been used before.

They used it on that website once and only once. It was the only time the card was ever used.

Next thing that they knew they had multiple purchases on their card from an online betting website.

This was well over a year ago.
Eesh this has been a hassle. I didn't find this out until yesterday night so today I asked my mum if her card had been used for fraud and apparently they took loads out in credit card top ups. We never received anything saying what had happened but that might be because I haven't updated my email on there for a while. Either way I will not be going back there.
Just to muddy the waters totally...

I went to order something from UP1USA with my new card, and got the usual card declined message that I always get nowadays when I try to order from abroad. My bank always puts a hold on my card when I first order from outside the UK until I phone them up to tell them that I'm me. Something I'm actually glad that they do now.

Anyway, I phoned up UP1 to explain why my card was declined, mentioning just why I had a new card, and he mentioned that at the time that the AoL thing happened, apparently HMV got hit as well, so there may be more than one source for our credit card woes.
I guess I'm lucky that I had less than £10 in my account when this whole thing first started. My bank haven't told me anything and nothing has been suspicious on my account, so I imagine the initial top up failed so they figured my card was no longer in use.
If your card gets hit, cancel your card. Heck, even if your suspicious that your card details have been leaked via a website that you use, cancel your card. It's far less hassle to be a couple of days without a card, than it is going through weeks of back and forth with your bank, trying to get defrauded money back. Don't think that if you haven't been hit, or they failed to take money the first time, that they won't try again.

I try not to take chances, and keep my online presence to a minimum, deleting card details from sites after I receive good that I pay for, re-entering them if I need to shop there again, and still I've been hit over five times in last few years.
Obviously. I've got a new card on its way, I just assumed that I had used my old card with MVM which is why I didn't think anything of cancelling it anyway.

Although....I did buy from hmv at Christmas so that could be it.
Just Passing Through said:
Anyway, I phoned up UP1 to explain why my card was declined, mentioning just why I had a new card, and he mentioned that at the time that the AoL thing happened, apparently HMV got hit as well, so there may be more than one source for our credit card woes.
HMV have never seen my credit card, the one that was hit in the initial rush. I suppose it's possible that AoL leaked my credit card and HMV my debit card but...