Just Passing Through said:
Do you think I would have bought Baccano on the strength of episode 1?
If I hadn't bought blind, I'd have been sold the moment Wakamoto Norio opened his mouth. That the rest of the series was so good was a bonus! I'm perhaps even more tragic and old school in that I don't tend to be interested in trying before I buy, though with new subtitled DVD pickings dwindling these days (amidst a sea of rereleases) I've found some space in my schedule to stream a couple of shows per season, which I use to watch series I'm most itching to see to avoid being bombarded by spoilers online.
However, in my case I'm in favour of paying up front for the privilege since I might not ever have the chance to pay down the line. I streamed Tiger & Bunny from AoD, but I liked it so much more than I'd expected that I ended up buying the special edition English-subtitled blu-ray singles from Japan. AoD didn't get anything out of that arrangement at all in the long term (though as thanks I am going to buy the Kaze release as well when it appears because it's such a smashing show). I'm not a saint and if something is available acceptably and legally for free, I'm unlikely to start paying for it unless there's a good reason. Withholding content for paying subscribers seems a reasonable enough compromise.
I think part of the problem is competing with the idea that anime should be free. If AoD had been pay-only from the outset, it wouldn't seem like something was being taken away. Digisubs and CR (which is a much more heavily invested in) model shouldn't really create a trend on their own, but it's apparent that they do.
If I'm understanding it correctly, AoD is struggling to make the ad-supported method pay at the moment. I think it's folly to put too much stock in requests like "make everything free" or "make everything simultaneous only" or "make everything HD only", as everyone has their own personal cocktail of requests and at the end of the day it has to be a profitable exercise overall or we may as well have no anime.
In honesty, I have heard people say before that they would prefer to download rips than watch the hobbled free streams, or people who use adblocks and other techniques to break the system, so it's a thorny issue. The existence of certain groups who deliberately clone simulcasts just to avoid paying cannot be ignored. For every JustPa, there seem to be a number of people who aren't willing to play ball with the ad-supported or paid model. It's worse for us as the UK is such a small and lame market that people behaving this way makes more of a difference.
Anyway, in terms of suggestions here are mine for odd things that would make a nice difference:
More Kaze content up on the site, not limited to stream-only series (i.e. glorified DVD advertisements in the form of streamed episodes for subscribers, to sweeten the deal). Funimation seem to be doing a lot with that, and I am always linking people to their legal Hetalia streams to promote the series in ways words cannot. I'd like to be able to bully my friends into trying Vampire Knight etc in the same way! It's also a good way to bulk up the catalogue and make a subscription seem like better value.
If you have series where you have the UK streaming rights but only (say) French resources for the subtitles, I'd like to see a section for that anyway to test the market here. Locking by both language and region is one of my biggest bugbears about anime streaming in general, since I can buy foreign-subbed anime from all kinds of countries on physical media. My French is pretty terrible, but I'd still find it an interesting side project.
I'm really pleased to see the new player and to be free of the pain of ANN's terrible server stability record, and thank you to Andrew for being so quick to take feedback on board.