Re: Anime Limited wants to hear your opinions on deluxe pack
Reading this topic amuses me quite a bit, especially given I always wanted nothing more than rigid packaging and amaray cases with Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
anime_andrew said:
1. Steelbooks are liked by some, but seems to be by and large a different subset of anime buyers to our usual so we'll save it for a project like a film where we can charge normal prices happily.
Well, when I hear steelbook I always think about movies! So that already makes me reluctant towards anime series in steelbook cases.
What also always annoyed me with Manga steelbooks: there are too few of them to NOT feel out of place in a collection unless you can ('mentally') put them among other steelbooks.
I believe Manga had 4 anime steelbook BD releases: Akira, Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell and Bayonetta Bloody Fate.
Three out of four don't appeal to me at all and Akira only appeals to me a little.
(And given Jerome's gone there we may not get any more steelbooks from Manga bar the already scheduled ones)
So if I bought Akira it'd feel really out of place in my collection, so I'd have to put it somewhere apart, but where? Next to my Reservoir Dogs steelbook that also feels a bit out of place in my collection?
But I'd rather have all my anime together.
My point here is, unless you have a bunch of steelbooks planned chances are too great it'll feel like it's rather annoying and out of place than really special.
I don't know how much actually changed in the steelbook industry, but last I remember Jerome saying is that the minimum print was 10k. (of course that was probably 1 to 2 years ago)
And yeah... While I suspect that number to have gone down I still doubt how many titles would benefit with/from a steelbook release.
So to round up, I'd much rather have Anime Limited stick to rigid artboxes and perhaps change up what's inside them, but not change to all kinds of packaging that'll just feel out of place.
I split my collection mainly per format, then per company, then per packaging, then movie/series/franchise and then alphabetically.
(that's why it sucks when franchises switch distributor halfway through)
anime_andrew said:
2. Rigid cases (like we use already) + Keep Cases seem like something worth exploring on our Collector's Editions going forwards as an experiment. We're actually trialling this with Space Dandy so you'll get to see it in action there.
Hope it does well then. I really like the Funimation artboxes I own and the MVM Fate/Zero artbox
(still need to get myself part 2 of that though XD).
I also agree that the Baccano set Mangaranga posted would be just fine for a collector's edition. And investigate coloured Amaray Blu-ray cases some more to get something that fits the artbox/release well.
anime_andrew said:
Obviously for Ultimate's we still need a solution beyond what we've used to date as I agree, it could do with strengthening.
Just be careful those Ultimate Editions don't start feeling out of place next to each other as well (with or without O-card/slipcover)!
Having the one be regular size and the other extra large (and ultimately creating sizes inbetween) will just mess up collections. One of the things I don't like about the TTGL UE is the size.
I still think TTGL should have gotten a regular collector's edition ... And I still hope that materializes someday in the future because I may never get to watch/own TTGL as things are now. >_<
anime_andrew said:
I think the value of an actual book with the release is worth a lot more than keeping everything at DVD / BD sized.
I believe most people buy a release mostly for the BD / DVD and want the artbook as an extra and want to store the release among their DVDs/BDs, so yeah ...
Let me get to my vision a bit by quoting Lutga's suggestion and adding something below.
Lutga said:
I agree about keeping the book full size, but I'm not 100% sure making the case the same size is the solution - as others have commented, it means the disc case is often then too big to store with the rest of your Blu-Rays + DVDs.
This is just my personal feeling, but perhaps if the Ultimates were essentially the Collectors editions (which always look lovely, and the rigid card cases are great) but with the book shrink-wrapped behind it or perhaps just sent in the same post bundle, but as a completely separate thing, that would work better?
Essentially I think this idea would have been a way better treatment for TTGL and for other releases with odd box sizes thanks to a single feature like a full size book artbook.
Or a nice alternative/addition would be making your artbooks fit nicely next to each other and start a line of artbooks that can be purchased separately or in an "Ultimate Edition"-bundle.
As things stand there's also only one Anime Limited cd-release and I hope more are planned for 2015 to make a nice anime music collection.
And yeah, do the same for artbooks and we could get a neat otaku-collection throughout our room(s)/house while not messing up the looks of our collection.
anime_andrew said:
BanzaiJedi said:
Would I be correct to assume one of those ultimate editions is Full Metal Panic? I watched the trailer on an old ADV DVD a few days ago and it looks fantastic, I'll happily buy an UE, even as a blind buy.
So far:
- Escaflowne (TBC depending on assets)
- Fullmetal Panic
- Film Wot I Am Not Ready to Discuss Yet
- Giovanni's Island
We'll see if anything else worms it's way out but I think 4 is the max we could humanly do depending on territories etc.
Watch this space

NB - There are other contenders for the Ultimate Crown too...
Are we really going to consider Giovanni's Island a 2015 UE? Yeah, of course we will, but I rather mean that it was targeted and supposed to be a 2014 release, so I'd rather count it as a 2014 UE.
Given Escaflowne was also supposed to be a fall 2014 release at some point it looks like 3 out of 4 ultimate editions for 2015 will be release by the halfway point of 2015 ... Or maybe not ...
It sounds as if you guys haven't even commenced working on Escaflowne yet, which could mean it'll slip to be a summer 2015 release or later and how long ago did that get licensed again?! (late 2013, I know)
What I'm wondering is whether you'll actually be able to do a Full Metal Panic ultimate edition, or whether it'll just be a complete collection with a few artcards or a 50-page booklet?
I just checked what you teased us (back in July) to be planned for FMP and it just feels like a collector's edition with all seasons in one box. However, I hope that SRP of £129.95 stays as is (or drops of course).
I think going forward when making an Ultimate edition you need to ask yourself what you would take away to make a regular collector's edition and see how that compares to the ultimate.
If you can't create an appealing collector's edition next to an ultimate edition it may very well be because the ultimate isn't an ultimate, but a collector's edition.
Like eg.: for the collector's who love all of Full Metal Panic and not just one part of the franchise: a complete collection housed in a rigid artbox with a small booklet.
anime_andrew said:
Perfect Blue Collector's is OOP but you never know, may have some cool surprises on that film yet

Now you have me worried ...
Random said:
Perhaps a minor issue but stop using the white/grey Bluray boxes and use the standard blue ones so they don't look out of place on the shelf.
Same can be said about any type of collector's packaging and slipcovers! They take away the sight people have of the Blu-ray case and if you just order your collection alphabetically it will look odd.
I'd much rather have Anime Ltd (as well as MVM and Animatsu) look into other case colours to fit the release, perhaps including a slipcover for people who would otherwise find it too odd looking in their collection.
Also, blue Amaray cases aren't that hard to come by in the UK I believe, so if you really want a blue one you should be able to get one. Coloured Amaray cases on the other hand are harder to come by.
Ath said:
Incidentally, I'm still surprised how many general BD buyers will pick a specific edition
just because it has a slipcover.
*laughs nervously* Funny you mention that ... *laughs again* *RUNS AWAY*
Only reason I got Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike as quickly as I did (pre-order) was because it had a slipcover.
I love slipcovers, but love rigid packaging more. I feel like people who don't like them should either throw the slipcovers away or put them somewhere apart ...
I mean, a slipcover doesn't change as much about a release as the size of the box or the actual content vs price.
black1blade said:
Release a ultimate edition and normal edition blu ray.
When the Ultimate and Regular edition don't have too much of a difference in price and content that could be fine, but I still don't like how Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann got handled.
I said it before lots and lots of times, but especially with TTGL it was too much of two extremes and so neither of the editions really appeal to me.
I'm pretty sure there's no budget for a third edition of TTGL anymore after all what happened, but I prefer the Patema Inverted treatment. A Regular, Collector's and Ultimate Edition.
anime_andrew said:
britguy said:
@Andrew so next month's space dandy has a keep case and not a digipack?
Also you used 2014 in the two posts. Did you mean 2015?
Sure does - it's for two reasons - can explain if interested!
Also - I meant 2015 - I am living a year in the past it seems!
If you check your profile it says you are an accidental time traveller, so yeah. ;P So, how's 2030? Did Anime Ltd have Clannad on BD by then? =P