UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Oh, I'll get the AL-ported-to-US release of Woodpecker Detective's Office if it gets the same packaging over here.

I just received the exclusive steelbook version of the Spy X Family Code White movie in the mail yesterday, so I won't need to get the AL CE.
I would expect them to pretty much be a Shonen Jump factory until they finish releasing Naruto and Bleach. They've really tied their hands by committing to two extremely long series at the same time.
They are releasing some anime that isn't shounen jump, just not the particular ones I want. Though Vlad Love in an interesting surprise. If they announced that, I must have missed it.

Also, Macross Zero is out Monday according to the AL store. I remain to be convinced, mind, as that listing has clearly gone unattended for a while. It still has the blurb about the early bird price in December 🥴
AL's new blog post is up, revealing April's pre-orders, includes...

  • I'm Standing on a Million Lives (CE)
  • Bleach (Part 5)
  • Woodpecker Detective's Office (CE)
  • Vlad Love
  • A Destructive God Sits Next to Me (CE)
It also includes a first look at the Spy x Family CODE: White (CE)
More titles from the Crunchyroll catalogue which is good to see. I'm down for pre-ordering BLEACH Part 5 and I'm Standing on a Million Lives together. Interesting to see Anime Limited release the latter before Sentai does but on the plus side its both cours together.

The other CR titles I'll stick to standard Blu-rays.
AL's new blog post is up, revealing April's pre-orders, includes...

  • I'm Standing on a Million Lives (CE)
  • Bleach (Part 5)
  • Woodpecker Detective's Office (CE)
  • Vlad Love
  • A Destructive God Sits Next to Me (CE)
It also includes a first look at the Spy x Family CODE: White (CE)
Vlad Love is not something I ever expected to get a physical release. I quite enjoyed it despite it's flaws.
I'm baffled that Vlad Love is getting a physical release because it's (sadly) an incoherent, disastrous mess. The first episode was quite promising but after that everything just went downhill and the whole anime ended up being a waste of time. One of the worst shows I have ever seen.
More titles from the Crunchyroll catalogue which is good to see. I'm down for pre-ordering BLEACH Part 5 and I'm Standing on a Million Lives together. Interesting to see Anime Limited release the latter before Sentai does but on the plus side its both cours together.

The other CR titles I'll stick to standard Blu-rays.

Same there. And they go up for preorder close enough that they can be bundled together and get free shipping.
Vlad Love was awful, I can’t believe I suffered through all twelve episodes, but I stuck with it because “surely it can’t be that bad, it’s Mamoru Oshii”. Spoiler: it was that bad. Unfortunately, Oshii hasn’t made anything very worthwhile in the past two decades or more.

I can’t imagine a physical release of Vlad Love will make any money, who in their right mind would buy it?
Vlad Love was awful, I can’t believe I suffered through all twelve episodes, but I stuck with it because “surely it can’t be that bad, it’s Mamoru Oshii”. Spoiler: it was that bad.
I have to agree. I made two attempts at watching Vlad Love, but only got through five episodes. If it hadn't had Oshii's name attached I would have dropped it after one.
Many of AL's recent licenses have been confusing to me. I get that as a "boutique label" they don't want to (and shouldn't!) stick to only the popular stuff, but if you're going to take risks, why not take them on "hidden gems" or titles that have some kind of historical value? At least Vlad Love I can rationalize with Oshii still being a big name.

I guess they must have some kind of data that supports these decisions - would love to see even a glimpse of that. (And now that I've said that, imagine if Miles or someone else knowledgeable tweets tomorrow that statistics show there in fact being a lot of people in the UK and Europe who buy anime Blu-rays and would absolutely love (checks notes) I'm Standing on a Million Lives or Woodpecker Detective's Office.)
Many of AL's recent licenses have been confusing to me. I get that as a "boutique label" they don't want to (and shouldn't!) stick to only the popular stuff, but if you're going to take risks, why not take them on "hidden gems" or titles that have some kind of historical value? At least Vlad Love I can rationalize with Oshii still being a big name.

I guess they must have some kind of data that supports these decisions - would love to see even a glimpse of that. (And now that I've said that, imagine if Miles or someone else knowledgeable tweets tomorrow that statistics show there in fact being a lot of people in the UK and Europe who buy anime Blu-rays and would absolutely love (checks notes) I'm Standing on a Million Lives or Woodpecker Detective's Office.)
I mean they've long done pet projects. If anything I get the feeling them doing Shonen Jump stuff is partly to allow them to continue to survive and do so. I don't think when they gave Crunchyroll booth space all those times they ever thought it'd become some leviathan competitor that would massively change their priorities and availability. It's evidently why they've been increasingly prioritising things like vinyl records.
Many of AL's recent licenses have been confusing to me. I get that as a "boutique label" they don't want to (and shouldn't!) stick to only the popular stuff, but if you're going to take risks, why not take them on "hidden gems" or titles that have some kind of historical value? At least Vlad Love I can rationalize with Oshii still being a big name.

I guess they must have some kind of data that supports these decisions - would love to see even a glimpse of that. (And now that I've said that, imagine if Miles or someone else knowledgeable tweets tomorrow that statistics show there in fact being a lot of people in the UK and Europe who buy anime Blu-rays and would absolutely love (checks notes) I'm Standing on a Million Lives or Woodpecker Detective's Office.)
Not that confusing, it's what's available 🤷‍♂️
I think its a case of whatever Crunchyroll doesn't want to release and whatever they win over MVM (who've been doing pretty great in their licenses)

I'm sure some of the more niche titles are actually pretty good but some really do feel like padding the slate.
Them getting Naruto & Bleach was a great get that should hopefully help them survive.

Speaking personally I'd love to see them raid the old ADV & Geneon libraries and get stuff like Burn-Up, Slayers, Golden Boy, TENCHI UNIVERSE....etc.
Granted most haven't had blu ray upgrades but I'm sure they'd be a big market for a 'SD Classics' DVD only line just to get access to the titles! Spice it up even, SD on Blu ray 😱

I'd take an SD collection of Excel Saga over a Collector's Edition of Million Lives everyday of the year!!!
Many of AL's recent licenses have been confusing to me. I get that as a "boutique label" they don't want to (and shouldn't!) stick to only the popular stuff, but if you're going to take risks, why not take them on "hidden gems" or titles that have some kind of historical value? At least Vlad Love I can rationalize with Oshii still being a big name.
I don't know if this is still the case, but at one time it wasn't unusual for licensors to force bundles of shows on licensees. In order to licence Popular Show A, they would also have to pay for Flopped Shows Y and Z. It was a way for licensors to claw back some money on failed shows that made a loss initially. In order to avoid then eating a loss themselves, the licensee would then be in the unenviable position of having to hype up junk like Wild Cardz or Jungle de Ikou.
I don't know if this is still the case, but at one time it wasn't unusual for licensors to force bundles of shows on licensees. In order to licence Popular Show A, they would also have to pay for Flopped Shows Y and Z. It was a way for licensors to claw back some money on failed shows that made a loss initially. In order to avoid then eating a loss themselves, the licensee would then be in the unenviable position of having to hype up junk like Wild Cardz or Jungle de Ikou.
Iirc that is how AL ended up with Blood Lad and Prisma Ilya S1.
Iirc that is how AL ended up with Blood Lad and Prisma Ilya S1.
I won't hear slander against Bell Hydra!

Andrew has been quite open that these days the bidding for new shows often starts when there's little more than a pitch document, so it's possible that practice has gone now the international market is so significant a component.

(See also things like Bearbrick getting a kids show on Apple TV.)
I suppose it could be a combo of bidding on shows early, then the Production Committee/licensors for these shows being slow to respond to approvals and these shows being low on both there and AL's priorities.
Not that confusing, it's what's available 🤷‍♂️
I think its a case of whatever Crunchyroll doesn't want to release and whatever they win over MVM (who've been doing pretty great in their licenses)

I'm sure some of the more niche titles are actually pretty good but some really do feel like padding the slate.
Them getting Naruto & Bleach was a great get that should hopefully help them survive.

Speaking personally I'd love to see them raid the old ADV & Geneon libraries and get stuff like Burn-Up, Slayers, Golden Boy, TENCHI UNIVERSE....etc.
Granted most haven't had blu ray upgrades but I'm sure they'd be a big market for a 'SD Classics' DVD only line just to get access to the titles! Spice it up even, SD on Blu ray 😱

I'd take an SD collection of Excel Saga over a Collector's Edition of Million Lives everyday of the year!!!
Agreed, there are so many titles which were released on ADV and other long gone companies, although I guess the hardest part will be getting the licence to re-release some shows and having a guess at what will likely sell.
I guess they must have some kind of data that supports these decisions - would love to see even a glimpse of that. (And now that I've said that, imagine if Miles or someone else knowledgeable tweets tomorrow that statistics show there in fact being a lot of people in the UK and Europe who buy anime Blu-rays and would absolutely love (checks notes) I'm Standing on a Million Lives or Woodpecker Detective's Office.)
Well, I'm personally very happy that they are releasing the bolded. I've wanted it ever since it aired but it was during that period before Funimation bought Crunchyroll and little of Crunchyroll's streaming shows were getting physical releases in the US. They licensed it along with some others to Sentai, but while Sentai released most of what they got, this one is still MIA.

Since presumably AL doesn't have anything to reuse from Sentai as they do when Sentai has already released discs, I hope this is from the good disc producers/authoring house and not the bad one that is in France(?).

I'll be buying the regular edition though as I'm not really into LEs, and in particular I dislike the LEs where the disc case is just art without even the name of the show printed on it. so that the slipbox is a required part of the packaging.

And I'm not in Europe. ;)
Sometimes it's the question what you can get, rather than what you want ;)

Whilest in 2024 Anime Ltd created a CE variant for every release (unless the title already had some kind of CE before), they are going just the Standard Edition route for some. I guess that's fine ;)
It also seems that they had some kind of package deals with Sentai & Crunchyroll allowing them to release a huge bunch of titles, including some more obscure titles - that still may have some fans.

I'd assume that Anime Ltd would love to release some of the titles they sell Vinyls from on Blu-ray (well, if they wouldn't love these titles they wouldn't stock the Vinyls, right?), but sometimes that's just not possible.