All I hope is the SE is priced nice... as I may have paid £20 for the CE but not the extra.
I understood. (And yeah, as long as it has good compression, it doesn't matter who does it. I just mention those two often because they've shown off that they can produce good results.)It's joke. I couldn't care less who does the master.
Wait, what? That sounds like something no distance seller with any sense would want to touch with a barge pole. Hell, I'm not sure I'd want to deal with PayPal as a business, given their inclination to take the buyer's side in the majority of disputes.There's not even the option for 'pay after delivery' like most other PayPal transactions.
i wonder if the delays and problems with Sony SADC and the christmas stuff caused people to do backcharges so they've disabled it until they can sort everything out
Hey everyone. Just to quickly dive in and clarify, there's a few bits and bobs of maintenance happening on our site at the moment. So you may notice the odd things awry; paypal being one of them. But don't worry it'll be back once that's all sortedAL have removed the PayPal logo from their accepted payment methods too.
Awesome news, it's just the tinkering comment that bothers me - it just means you've entered into the slothful endeavour of hitting something with a spanner until you feel like you've done something, then you hand it off and it breaks, but strangely enough even if you didn't fix it you didn't do anything to break it eitherJust to update folks, PayPal Express Checkout is now available on our online store again - thanks for your patience folks, but we should be done tinkering for now so normal service is resumed!
Did we ever find out what was wrong with the original print run? I think someone said a printing error but I couldn't spot one.Asked this on Twitter, but I'll also ask on here so @Jeremy Graves might see it
Any expected release date for Shomen Sample? I've already asked before but got no reply and MVM/Anime-on-line have no idea when they will get stock. Only indication is early January (Though maybe thats meant to read 2020 as January 2019 will have passed in 51 minsJust kidding)
While FUNis bebop comes highly placed tooThat’s the most overpriced, and confusing Anime Collector’s Edition ever. What a joke. No re-encoded discs...
I'm sure we'll find out their Q1 offerings the same way we always do...I just have the standard Funi release, I’m not a big enough Bebop fan to have upgraded beyond it sadly. The Funi LE was at least compact.
On another note are we going to hear anything in terms up an update for Q1 soon? I recall B: The Beginning being touted for a release around this time.