UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

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My Pigtails Material archive has duplicate pages 25-36? Is it just mine or a recurring problem?
I just checked mine as well, and it's all absolutely fine — no extra or out-of-sequence pages.

How strange. 🤔
Perhaps... your copy is extra-collectible now? 😅

Are there any pages missing from yours, do you know? Is it tight-fitting in the box, and how is the spine width and alignment?
The RRP is usually £35 so its risen.
Yes I know Maquia and ASV were but they were exceptions. But this is the next film released after Maquia so could be a trend as yes we don't know what's in it

Our Mirai SRP on retails is a placeholder until we can confirm the exact contents of our release - we'd rather set it higher than usual and then drop it to standard pricing if we aren't able to or want to do anything out of the ordinary.
Crunchyroll has no involvement with those batch of Funimation titles. This seems to be a case of whoever was handling the licenses to Anime Limited on Funimation's end clearly not communicating properly, considering this is the second time those titles have been cancelled now.
Similar to the situation with manga UK with cardcaptors?
It sure would be nice for a mangaUK or anime limited representative to actually fill us in on this matter.
Similar to the situation with manga UK with cardcaptors?
It sure would be nice for a mangaUK or anime limited representative to actually fill us in on this matter.
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card is an interesting case considering we have no idea who to blame exactly - it's either the Japanese licensor, Crunchyroll (who own the rights) or Funimation (who dubbed and released it on home video). It's likely to be Funimation though, but I wouldn't be surprised if this happened to be Crunchyroll not realising which regions they had access to.
Thanks for the update :)
It seems to me the only way to truly find out whats actually happening is for an anime representative to actually give us some info on the matter.
It's unlikely we'll get any info from Manga UK because they've already released Cardcaptors if it is the case there not going to release the second part, a lot of people are going to want to return there's.

BRAND NEW video transfer, unique to this release”

lol. How times have changed. I have a feeling that the wait may be so that AL can license the Kon lecture and other extras Shout/GKIDS have. What’s so funny is that the transfer was done as of 12 November 2018, and that the Shout disc (with the same transfer) was 100% done by late January 2019. So, with the video transfer done, is the wait in extras, or is it the packaging?

The Ultimate Edition was announced in May 2018, with work presumably done months before- if not longer ago- to meet the then deadline of late 2018. Now it’s 2019. Shout Factory is using Anime Limited’s transfer bit-for-bit in terms of encode, and have extras that, when I spoke with people working on a Perfect Blue project, AL didn’t have licensed.

The main question is when. It’s still happening, I believe, but damn. The wait is intense. With Shout having an attractive alternative overseas, one of AL’s selling points is off the table.

I’d love any kind of update.

(I’m hoping this doesn’t come off as a ranty post, but considering the circumstances, it’s worth bringing up.)

BRAND NEW video transfer, unique to this release”

lol. How times have changed. I have a feeling that the wait may be so that AL can license the Kon lecture and other extras Shout/GKIDS have. What’s so funny is that the transfer was done as of 12 November 2018, and that the Shout disc (with the same transfer) was 100% done by late January 2019. So, with the video transfer done, is the wait in extras, or is it the packaging?

The Ultimate Edition was announced in May 2018, with work presumably done months before- if not longer ago- to meet the then deadline of late 2018. Now it’s 2019. Shout Factory is using Anime Limited’s transfer bit-for-bit in terms of encode, and have extras that, when I spoke with people working on a Perfect Blue project, AL didn’t have licensed.

The main question is when. It’s still happening, I believe, but damn. The wait is intense. With Shout having an attractive alternative overseas, one of AL’s selling points is off the table.

I’d love any kind of update.

(I’m hoping this doesn’t come off as a ranty post, but considering the circumstances, it’s worth bringing up.)
Last I heard, they weren't able to include the translated storyboard book. I'm hoping the delay is because they're trying to convince the licensor to let them.