UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

“Stuff we’ve still got 6 million copies of laying around so we can sell super cheap”

That said, buy Gankutsuo if you didn’t get the mystery box it was in.
That said, I already have Gankutsuou 5 times, as it's one of my favorite shows. =P

But Flamenco p2 is a good addition to the mystery box p1.
Am I the only one who's mind went right to the gutter reading that? 🤔

Yes? Okay then! Moving swiftly on...

No, mine too 😔
Well... The first thing coming to my mind about "stockings" is "stock as in warehouse stock" (AL surely want to reduce the stock and not stuff it) and the second was stockings as in "woman's nylon stockings" and then I didn't saw how that was the common divisor on the titles on sale.
I did even check out stockings in the to see some other meanings than the ones I know. =X
(Not too familiar about the Christmas stockings, it only stroke me, after it was mentioned. Probably because here it's more about presents under the tree? I don't celebrate Christmas... Is the stockings thing an English thing?)

I only got around to finally watching it last week but I really enjoyed it
It's probably going to be the only steelbook in my collection that will permanently stay. Packaging wise my other 4 editions (2x French, 2x US) are kind of nicer and I still can't bring myself to weed any of those out... =X
Well... The first thing coming to my mind about "stockings" is "stock as in warehouse stock" (AL surely want to reduce the stock and not stuff it) and the second was stockings as in "woman's nylon stockings" and then I didn't saw how that was the common divisor on the titles on sale.
I did even check out stockings in the to see some other meanings than the ones I know. =X
(Not too familiar about the Christmas stockings, it only stroke me, after it was mentioned. Probably because here it's more about presents under the tree? I don't celebrate Christmas... Is the stockings thing an English thing?)

It's probably going to be the only steelbook in my collection that will permanently stay. Packaging wise my other 4 editions (2x French, 2x US) are kind of nicer and I still can't bring myself to weed any of those out... =X
8886F513-5478-4A3F-9C12-E2E62A5E99A8.gifThe count approves.
Well... The first thing coming to my mind about "stockings" is "stock as in warehouse stock" (AL surely want to reduce the stock and not stuff it) and the second was stockings as in "woman's nylon stockings" and then I didn't saw how that was the common divisor on the titles on sale.
I did even check out stockings in the to see some other meanings than the ones I know. =X
(Not too familiar about the Christmas stockings, it only stroke me, after it was mentioned. Probably because here it's more about presents under the tree? I don't celebrate Christmas... Is the stockings thing an English thing?)

It's probably going to be the only steelbook in my collection that will permanently stay. Packaging wise my other 4 editions (2x French, 2x US) are kind of nicer and I still can't bring myself to weed any of those out... =X
Christmas stockings...
I always just used a pillowcase for my Christmas stocking. You could fit a lot more presents in. 😀
When I was a kid we didn't have much money so instead of a Christmas stocking my nan would use an old pair of tights, all that was in it was an apple and can orange. It looked liked something the Krays would've used robbing a bank. 😂