I've been seeing that a lot too. I genuinely feel bad for him. I get that Miyazaki is incredibly well known and they probably don't know any other anime directors, but he must have been losing his mind at how repetitive and quite frankly lazy this is. We all saw exactly the same things aimed at Hosoda when Boy and the Beast came out (or more precisely didn't come out --
Damn you Studiocanal!)...[/qupte]
It certainly does get old, it'd be like every outlet in Japan calling someone the next Pixar or Disney when a great western animation comes out....
Still gutted that Boy & The Beast didn't go wider, I caught it at Glasgow Film Festival and loved it!
Not gonna lie,
@Joshawott keeps retweeting praise for the film, and it's starting to wind me up. I'm really jealous that none of the screenings work out for me, so I won't be able to see it.

I'm still hoping AL are able to sort out VOD and/or fast home video for this, so I won't be too far behind everyone else.
Afraid our licensor holdbacks are not great on this one for VOD or homevideo

! Really want to release as soon as we can though so as soon as we can it'll be done. Draft date that will go round is October but if we can do sooner, we will.