Anime everyone else thinks is great but you don't like

devilrules666 said:
Evanelgion :D never saw the big deal about it!

Pretty much this. I struggled through the tv series & only made it to the end because I wanted to say I disliked it without having the ''but you havn't seen it all to make a solid enough opinion'' remark thrown at me.
vashdaman said:
VivisQueen said:
Michiko to Hatchin is the only 'Bebop-esque' thing to have come out since Bebop. It has a lot of style and great substance where the two protagonists are concerned, but it rides an unreliable wave of tepid stories. The beginning and ending are great, the middle is mostly superfluous. I don't think it's as 'shoe-in' as you'd like to think because it features a strongly female cast, isn't a shoujo, and didn't make waves in the community.

Stuff like that is harder to sell.

EDIT: Oh yeah, review time!

Short version: I love, love, love what this show tries to do and more shows should do it! But the director needs practice.

Surely Champloo is the only truely "Bebop-esque" show to emerge since Bebop?

Nope. Michiko to Hatchin is closer in style to Bebop than Samurai Champloo is. And the latter doesn't really count because it's the same director.
But thats why Champloo is actually much more Bebop-esque than Michiko to Hatchin. Bebop was always all about the unique mash up of hard boiled sci-fi and jazz. Champloo does the same thing but with the unlikely combo of Hip-Hop and Samurai's.
Heartnet said:
devilrules666 said:
Evanelgion :D never saw the big deal about it!

Pretty much this. I struggled through the tv series & only made it to the end because I wanted to say I disliked it without having the ''but you havn't seen it all to make a solid enough opinion'' remark thrown at me.
Yep i,ll second that,it seems some Evangelion fanboys/girls just cant get there head round that some people dont like the show,i dont hate the show it just done nothing for me but the Holier Than Thou attitude of some fans drives me up the wall,i think what i,m really saying is maybe its the fanboys/girls that i dislike more than the show and there in lies the problem that it is one of the few shows to generate such a divide between anime fans in general,no one can say why they love or hate it without having a valued reason to which ever side of the fence they might sit on regarding the matter,if you like you like it and if you dont you dont simple as that becasue at the end of the day its just another anime show and there is millions to watch if you dont like it,but some fans should spend there time better than telling people why they hate it so much or some going out there way to persuade people that it is the best thing and let live thats what i say.
Another one to add to the list; Gurren Lagann! While it had a few faults like for example predictable deaths and some poorly created supporting characters/mecha it was still a very good show until the ending!

Having Nia giving up and die like that was not in keeping with the series motto of never giving up. The whole premise of the last portion of the series was to save Nia yet see was going to die the same whatever the outcome.
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Neferpitou said:
Having Nia giving up and die like that was not in keeping with the series motto of never giving up. The whole premise of the last portion of the series was to save Nia yet see was going to die the same whatever the outcome.
Kind of disagree. I like it when stories break down, and as shown by earlier deaths in the series I'd in fact argue the main theme was to pursue greatness even when **** is thrown your way. That's the idea that resonates throughout the entire show and having a perfect ending would have been off-kilter because of it.
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Jaymii, Regarding Gurren Lagann:
If Nia sacrificed her self like Kittan at the end of the series to save the crew and Spiral races then fair enough. But they have just her giving up and dieing at the end of the series like it was just after thought. It wasn't necessary for the end of the series and didn't in keep with the tone of the series. Never give up and only sacrifice yourself for the good of others!

It couldn't be perfectly happy ending anyway as Yoko had lost someone really close twice. Once is fair enough but twice was overkill. Also nothing was guaranteed at the end of the series from stopping Spiral Nemesis from occurring.

I would have preferred an epilogue where a Viral was watching over the Spiral races far into the future. Making sure Spiral Nemesis would never come to be. That would be equally sad and happy ending as Viral would be living a lonely existence as everyone close to him would eventually die. But also at the same time showing Spiral races had succeed so far from stopping the worse to happen and the will of Simon and the other lives on in Viral.

EDIT: Just to add the series was not really about pursuing greatness no matter the consequences. Simon was that powerful by the end of the series he could have easily resurrected all those have died but with a heavy heart he gave up that ability. As he knew doing what he desired would have lead exactly to the Spiral Nemesis. Which was the main issue that was need to be avoided in the series. Pursue greatness but never at any cost and always think about the consequences of what you are trying to achieve is probably more in line what thy are trying to say.
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