Animax - Bunch of Jokers

They're really hammering the promo for the PS4 app aren't they? Would be interesting to know how much dosh Sony is pumping into them - feels like it could be a fair bit.
I'm not a huge fan of the massive PS4 ad which eclipses any actual information for those of us who don't own a PS4, but the thing I'd like them to change most is the bally pop-up which covers the page each time I visit. If I ever decide to subscribe it will be because I looked at their offerings, not because they shoved their prices in my face and forced me to click on the screen to dismiss the ad.

Is it just me or do our UK streaming services spend more time updating their website designs than adding actual content? ^_^;

Had another marketing mailout from Sony/Playstation pushing Animax again.

They're being given an incredible opportunity here - just sort of makes me wish we had a stable platform behind it that we could be confident in sticking around and offering a truly rich catalogue. ie. Crunchyroll, but with a full UK marketing push / community liaison.
I wonder what their definition of "real soon" is. It's been 11 days since they said that their anime announcements were coming "real soon". Still no sign. It's a shame - with funimation snapping up several of the titles I was most interested in watching I was actually genuinely considering subscribing to them this season...
I have nothing against subscribing to them in principle the day they learn how to provide a service worth paying for. It's annoying because a worthwhile platform backed by Sony could do a lot of great things for the industry, and instead we just get this rubbish service and lack of communication season after season.

I agree. I will happily subscribe to them if they ever provide a decent service. As it is, I refuse to spend my money on supporting such a crap service when with a simple browser extension I can get US Crunchyroll which I already pay less per month for than an Animax subscription.
I had no problem with animax until last week that was. I'm trying to cancel my subscription but i can't log in as i keep getting this...


i've tweeted them but no reply and now i've tweeted them again and messaged them on facebook. I shall keep badgering them.
Since you just want to cancel and they benefit from ignoring you, I'd try another browser - Firefox is being excessively cautious about certain types of secured websites since its last update and the last thing you want is to be billed more than necessary while they get the required updates sorted out on their site.

I think you can still get in if you click the Advanced/More Info links? I can just go straight in, though it looks as though something went wrong with their certificate renewal today.
