Dandy Guy, in Space
Well, I'm considering joining the dark side.
And by that, I mean buying a PS2.
Now, I have a big-ass list of games I would -like- to play. But I can survive perfectly well without most of them. They are:
Kingdom Hearts
Soul Calibur 3
Dynasty Warriors 4 Extreme Legends
DW4 Empires
Samurai Warriors XL (why yes, Koei are pure awesome)
GITS: Stand Alone Complex
Some RPG or another I forget the name of
Final Fantasy 9/X/X-2 (possibly)
Anyway, the point of my post is, why should I (or should I not) procure a console that I hold (as personal opinion, mind you) to be composed of pure suck and evil?
Enlighten me, people. And don't post games that are already available on the 'Box, as chances are if I want that game I already own it anyway
Or, if one of you happens to be aware of a PS2 emulator for X-Box, please let me know
As that would solve the vast majority of my problems.
And by that, I mean buying a PS2.
Now, I have a big-ass list of games I would -like- to play. But I can survive perfectly well without most of them. They are:
Kingdom Hearts
Soul Calibur 3
Dynasty Warriors 4 Extreme Legends
DW4 Empires
Samurai Warriors XL (why yes, Koei are pure awesome)
GITS: Stand Alone Complex
Some RPG or another I forget the name of
Final Fantasy 9/X/X-2 (possibly)
Anyway, the point of my post is, why should I (or should I not) procure a console that I hold (as personal opinion, mind you) to be composed of pure suck and evil?
Enlighten me, people. And don't post games that are already available on the 'Box, as chances are if I want that game I already own it anyway
Or, if one of you happens to be aware of a PS2 emulator for X-Box, please let me know